wix extension - Wix - how to run an exe after installfinalize upon uninstall? -

wix extension - Wix - how to run an exe after installfinalize upon uninstall? -

i using wix installer overwrite(read: modify existing registry values), add together new ones etc. upon uninstall need revert them original state (the ones modified). not supported wix , have utilize custom action (as read) want run exe run .reg file using reg import. according site: http://www.installsite.org/pages/en/isnews/200108/index.htm custom action has run after="installfinalize" because wix rollback delete registry import (as part of rollback). looks this: installer modifies reg values, uninstaller deletes touched registry changes (part of rollback), exe restore them.

so did according how to, start exe elevated rights etc. http://wixtoolset.org/documentation/manual/v3/customactions/qtexec.html

<component id="registry" guid="*"> <file id="regexe" source="registryrollback.exe"/> <file id="regfile" source="reg_rollback.reg" /> </component> <property id="launchregexe" value="[#regexe]" /> <customaction id="launchregexe" binarykey="wixca" dllentry="caquietexec" execute="deferred" return="check" impersonate="no"/> <custom action='launchregexe' after='installfinalize'>installed , not upgradingproductcode</custom>

but error 19 ice77: launchregexe in-script custom action. must sequenced in between installinitialize action , installfinalize action in installexecutesequence table c:\merlin\main\demo\kioskdemosetup\nw_setup\nw.wxs 250 1 nw_setup

thank help!

according site: http://www.installsite.org/pages/en/isnews/200108/index.htm custom action has run after="installfinalize" because wix rollback delete registry import (as part of rollback).

can specify mentioned on site? i'm looking @ can't find reason why action should run after="installfinelize".

what mention,

deferred, rollback , commit custom actions can placed between installinitialize , installfinalize

which reason error: have deferred action, want run after installfinalize.

the rollback script executed if installation (or uninstallation) aborted, illustration when canceled user. think can run action before="installfinalize".

wix wix-extension wix3.8


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