c# - .NET The request was aborted: Could not create SSL/TLS secure channel -

c# - .NET The request was aborted: Could not create SSL/TLS secure channel -

i have tried every supposed solution i've come across issue nil seems work. here distilled trace logs (one trying talk paypal, , other trying talk getsentry):

system.net information: 0 : [10776] securechannel#49633458::.ctor(hostname=svcs.sandbox.paypal.com, #clientcertificates=0, encryptionpolicy=requireencryption) system.net information: 0 : [10776] securechannel#49633458 - left 0 client certificates take from. system.net information: 0 : [10776] using cached credential handle. system.net information: 0 : [10776] initializesecuritycontext(credential = system.net.safefreecredential_security, context = (null), targetname = svcs.sandbox.paypal.com, inflags = replaydetect, sequencedetect, confidentiality, allocatememory, initmanualcredvalidation) system.net information: 0 : [10776] initializesecuritycontext(in-buffer length=0, out-buffer length=58, returned code=continueneeded). system.net information: 0 : [10776] initializesecuritycontext(credential = system.net.safefreecredential_security, context = 69e8d930e0:cc64028eb0, targetname = svcs.sandbox.paypal.com, inflags = replaydetect, sequencedetect, confidentiality, allocatememory, initmanualcredvalidation) system.net information: 0 : [10776] initializesecuritycontext(in-buffers count=2, out-buffer length=0, returned code=illegalmessage). system.net error: 0 : [10776] exception in httpwebrequest#2657604:: - request aborted: not create ssl/tls secure channel.. system.net error: 0 : [10776] exception in httpwebrequest#2657604::getresponse - request aborted: not create ssl/tls secure channel.. system.net information: 0 : [10776] securechannel#39602548::.ctor(hostname=app.getsentry.com, #clientcertificates=0, encryptionpolicy=requireencryption) system.net information: 0 : [10776] securechannel#39602548 - left 0 client certificates take from. system.net information: 0 : [10776] using cached credential handle. system.net information: 0 : [10776] initializesecuritycontext(credential = system.net.safefreecredential_security, context = (null), targetname = app.getsentry.com, inflags = replaydetect, sequencedetect, confidentiality, allocatememory, initmanualcredvalidation) system.net information: 0 : [10776] initializesecuritycontext(in-buffer length=0, out-buffer length=58, returned code=continueneeded). system.net information: 0 : [10776] initializesecuritycontext(credential = system.net.safefreecredential_security, context = 69e8d930e0:cc64029510, targetname = app.getsentry.com, inflags = replaydetect, sequencedetect, confidentiality, allocatememory, initmanualcredvalidation) system.net information: 0 : [10776] initializesecuritycontext(in-buffers count=2, out-buffer length=0, returned code=illegalmessage). system.net error: 0 : [10776] exception in httpwebrequest#49716141:: - request aborted: not create ssl/tls secure channel.. system.net error: 0 : [10776] exception in httpwebrequest#49716141::getresponse - request aborted: not create ssl/tls secure channel..

i have tried

servicepointmanager.servercertificatevalidationcallback += (sender, certificate, chain, sslpolicyerrors) => true;

as (application_start in global.asax.cs)

servicepointmanager.expect100continue = true; servicepointmanager.securityprotocol = securityprotocoltype.tls;

nothing seems help. on windows 8.1 pro box in mvc application.

it looks sharpraven library version using forcing servicepointmanager.securityprotocol ssl3, breaking subsequent calls. new library version doesn't this, still set tls explicitly right before executing phone call measure.

c# ssl paypal


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