
Showing posts from May, 2015

javascript - Form Redirect Success/Fail page -

javascript - Form Redirect Success/Fail page - i have tried create form redirect success or fail page. have searched through internet, looking @ normal form redirects , javascript onclick redirect's. can help me add together adding redirect: html: <!-- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// --> <!-- contact form --> <div class="col-lg-6"> <h1>contact</h1> <h3 class="service_h3">say hello! inquire something?</h3> <form action="submit_contact.php" id="contactform"> <fieldset> <div id="result"></div> <!-- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// --> <!-- name field --> <div class="form-item"> <label for="name

web scraping - Extracting content data from webpages -

web scraping - Extracting content data from webpages - i'm looking structured article info webpage urls. far i've found these 2 services , there improve alternatives or worthwhile write code myself? if you'd skip code, , looking simple software web scraping / etl applications, i'd suggest foxtrot. it's easy plenty utilize , doesn't require coding. utilize scrape info gov't websites , dump excel spreadsheet reporting purposes. web-scraping

javascript - Carousel based image gallery with thumbnails & Captions -

javascript - Carousel based image gallery with thumbnails & Captions - i need image gallery example additional feature showing image caption & source of image 2 separate captions. i not sure how customize add together 2 caption under big image. fiddle illustration any pointer sample html <div id="wrapper"> <div id="prev"> <a href="#" class="images">&uarr; </a> <a href="#" class="thumbs">&uarr; </a> </div> <div id="images"> <img src="" alt="ek-aanhanger" width="350" height="350" /> <img src="" alt="ek-alien" width="350" height="350" /> <img sr

python - Why is IPython QtConsole not launching? -

python - Why is IPython QtConsole not launching? - i've installed ipython 'pip install ipython[all]' described in installation page , have installed qtconsole dependencies homebrew (qt, pyqt, , sip). however, when seek launch qtconsole terminal 'ipython qtconsole', next error message: traceback (most recent phone call last): file "/users/***/.virtualenvs/data-analysis/bin/ipython", line 11, in <module> sys.exit(start_ipython()) file "/users/***/.virtualenvs/data-analysis/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ipython/", line 120, in start_ipython homecoming launch_new_instance(argv=argv, **kwargs) file "/users/***/.virtualenvs/data-analysis/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ipython/config/", line 563, in launch_instance app.initialize(argv) file "<string>", line 2, in initialize file "/users/***/.virtualenvs/data-analysis/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ipython/config/application.p

parsing - Parser Element with child element -

parsing - Parser Element with child element - i have illustration document: <category> <name>nameparent</name> <category> <category> <name>namechild1</name> <category> <name>namechild2</name> </category> </category> </category> </category> and class: class category: nsobject { var attributeid:nsstring = "" var namecategory:nsstring = "namenotfound" var objcategory:category? } how see category recursive class. the children may have, in turn, other children, , have unlimited number how can handle this? how can construction in parser? edit: @ time, parser can not find father , children, can not save them in list. thanks i implement kind of stack. on each open <category> force new element on stack , on each </category> pop lastly 1 stack. one simple approach utilize array stack. create class

java - How do I modify the Month and Year Controls on JavaFX 8's DatePicker? -

java - How do I modify the Month and Year Controls on JavaFX 8's DatePicker? - for application i'm developing, lot of older clients larger fingers , poor eyesight need selection arrows , date/year labels larger on datepicker pop-up. in documentation of datepicker class, there methods described modifying datecells within calendar itself, nil describes or elaborates on construction of popup further. (at least, code not self-documented plainly plenty entry-level knowledge of java development grasp hints) my implementation ends looking this sometimes when open , close calendar, size of font , buttons in month/year controls fluctuate, have no thought how or why. assume css may tampering it, have no thought why work , not. css' true nature has escaped me. i know [datepicker] based on combobox, have absolutely 0 thought how constructed , implemented, much less how modify specific elements in it. is there method can call/override, or parameter can modify in-line

c# - delegates events and null reference -

c# - delegates events and null reference - in below code when programme executes workperformed null if (workperformed != null) { workperformed(hours, wt); } can help me doing wrong learning delegates , events namespace delegatedemoapp { public partial class form1 : form { public form1() { initializecomponent(); } private void form1_load(object sender, eventargs e) { dosomethingelse(); } public void dosomethingelse() { delegatetest dt = new delegatetest(); dt.dowork(10, worktype.permanent); } } } namespace delegatedemoapp { public delegate void workperformedhandler(int hours, worktype worktype); public enum worktype { permanent = 1, contract = 2 } public class delegatetest { public event workperformedhandler workperformed; public event ev

scala - returns List, not Option -

scala - returns List, not Option - standard library documentation describes zip partial signature def zip[b](that: geniterable[b]): option[(a, b)] some(1) zip some(2) returns list((1,2)) not some((1,2)) . case of buggy implementation or buggy documentation? buggy documentation. zip defined on iterable , , it's applicable option due implicit conversion option2iterable (this explicitly stated in documentation if closely). for reason option first converted iterable , zip operation supported. this done code reuse, misses case in iterable methods create sense straight on option without need of implicit conversion. here's relevant give-and-take in mailing list:!topic/scala-language/mfu5ppt_jyw if need zip 2 options, can utilize workaround: (opt1 zip opt2).headoption also, travis noted in comments, alternatively leverage scalaz zip type class, although have utilize fzip instead. opt1 fzip o

jquery - how to get prev and child -

jquery - how to get prev and child - i have this <ul> <li>-</li> <li>-</li> </ul> <table id="foo"> <thead> <tr> <th>-</th> <th>-</th> </tr> </thead> </table> and select li , th #foo var controls = $('#foo').find('th').end().prev().find('li').css('background','red'); i seek add() , addback() , nil right. try $('#foo').find("th").add($('#foo').prev().find('li')).css('background','red'); demo jquery jquery-selectors

python - mocking django settings: AttributeError: 'Settings' object has no attribute 'FOO' -

python - mocking django settings: AttributeError: 'Settings' object has no attribute 'FOO' - attributes on settings disapear after using this: .... here exist. mock.patch('', 123, create=true): ... ... here gone. why happen? i found old bug, can't believe still alive, since bug 4 years old: we utilize mock 1.0.1 pypi. consider simple function: testapp/ : from django.conf import settings def return_settings_foo(): homecoming then in shell: in [9]: testapp import views in [10]: print views.return_settings_foo() test in [11]: next mock in [11]: mock.patch('', 'mocked'): print views.return_settings_foo() ....: mocked so, must mock settings module calling it, (not located) case testapp/views . test same: import

php - STR_TO_DATE MySQL swaps Month/Day values -

php - STR_TO_DATE MySQL swaps Month/Day values - gd all, when using php insert info mysql database pass values using post method script. using str_to_date function in effort proper date inserted date field in mysql however, despite using same format pass str_to_date function (dtereportdate=14-10-2014) mysql function apparently swaps month , day values when monthvalue <= 12 ? so, if input 14-10-2014 import php correctly reads in table 2014-10-14 if input 09-10-2014 in same routine inserted in table 2014-09-10 ?? how can right in php script or anywhere else ? i've tried several options: -changing input str_to_date function in avriety of formats (yyyy/mm/dd, dd-mm-yyyy etc.etc. error stays same -changing input info string straight input: i.e. instead of using insert tbl ('date') values (str_to_date(datestring,'%y/%m/%d') you utilize insert tbl ('date') values (datestring) where datestring correctly formatted "

browser - Vaadin audio element doesn't work when I use it to play .m4a sound files (Vaadin 7.3.2) -

browser - Vaadin audio element doesn't work when I use it to play .m4a sound files (Vaadin 7.3.2) - i utilize display html5 sound in 1 of vaadin application. when requst info in browser, , save file, can played - fails so, when seek in vaadin. can point out, doing wrong? public class audioarea extends sound { public audioarea(final int soundid) { super(); streamresource resource = new streamresource( new streamresource.streamsource() { public inputstream getstream() { byte[] info = myvaadinui.request.getbinarydata( soundid, binarydatasource.type_sound, 0, 0); if (data == null) { homecoming null; } homecoming new bytearrayinputstream(data); } }, ""); setsource(resource); markasdirty(); } } are sure browser supports form

java - OnClick listener implementation not workin -

java - OnClick listener implementation not workin - i'm using onclick() method implementing onclicklistener class. using below code not work! there no errors doesn't work. when click on button nil happens. can tell me wrong? package com.behnam.phonech.main; import; import android.os.bundle; import android.util.log; import android.view.view; import android.view.view.onclicklistener; import android.widget.button; import android.widget.edittext; import android.widget.textview; public class mainactivity extends activity implements onclicklistener { edittext mainet; textview maintv; button mainbtn; button mainbtn2; string vaje; javab javab; @override public void oncreate(bundle savedinstancestate) { super.oncreate(savedinstancestate); setcontentview(r.layout.main); mainet = (edittext) findviewbyid(; maintv = (textview) findviewbyid(; mai

magento - Adding the Attribute Set name to Google analytics Ga.php? -

magento - Adding the Attribute Set name to Google analytics Ga.php? - i'm trying add together name of attribute set analytics reports in file /www/app/code/local/mage/googleanalytics/block/ga.php. this code using isn't right , maintain getting blank page on magento success page: $attributesetname = null; $attributesetname = mage::getmodel('eav/entity_attribute_set')->load($_product->getattributesetid())->getattributesetname(); foreach ($order->getallvisibleitems() $item) { $result[] = sprintf("_gaq.push(['_additem', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s']);", $order->getincrementid(), $this->jsquoteescape($item->getsku()), $this->jsquoteescape($item->getname()), $attributesetname, $item->getbaseprice(), $item->getqtyordered() ); } $_product seem undefined try foreach ($order->getallvisibleitems() $it

ios - Submitting apps for facebook app review -

ios - Submitting apps for facebook app review - i want submit app facebook review. seek run command terminal: xcodebuild -arch i386 -sdk iphonesimulator7.1 result: compilec build/...\ .../feedbackviewcontroller.m normal i386 objective-c i can build app if run using armv7 architecture instead of i386, app rejected. idea? ( xcodebuild -arch i386 -sdk iphonesimulator7.1 (build successfully, rejected facebook). ios facebook-sdk-3.0

What Xcode "Build Rules" does? -

What Xcode "Build Rules" does? - i new in xcode. "targets" in xcode, see there tab called "build rules". i wonder tab does? thanks to understanding under tab 'build rules' can automate behaviour compiler when compiling file. xcode has standard rules when compiling, build rules can add together rule that. personally quite new xcode , didn't know build rules too. found this info helped me understand better, maybe help you. if more experience xcode has improve answer, please right me i'm still learning xcode too. xcode build-rules

html - Nested Sass accessing -

html - Nested Sass accessing - i'm new css , sass. i'm not sure how alter appearance of page. i've been reading sass documentation , thought i'd play around little twitter bootstrap seek , practice. sample code: <div class="user_nav"> <div class="navbar-wrapper"> <div class="container"> <div class="navbar-header"> <button type="button" class="navbar-toggle collapsed" data-toggle="collapse" data-target=".navbar-collapse"> <span class="sr-only">toggle navigation</span> <span class="icon-bar"></span> <span class="icon-bar"></span> <span class="icon-bar"></span> </button> <a class="navbar-brand" href="#">jobpost</a> </div> <div c

Does AngularJS help out in any way when it comes to have a duration counter on my web page? -

Does AngularJS help out in any way when it comes to have a duration counter on my web page? - i have application uses angular ui-router. when router set state have timer set illustration 2 hours. while set state have counter count down. have time remaining display on screen. does have code illustration on how go implementing functionality? if has done similar appreciate advice give. i using countdown service purpose in project. per requirement can utilize service below : start init on first page app.controller('view1ctrl', function($scope, $cscountdown){ $cscountdown.init(2 * 3600); // 2 hours $scope.countdown = $; }) start counter on sec page app.controller('view2ctrl', function($scope, $cscountdown){ $cscountdown.start(); $scope.countdown = $; }) you can display value on page using countdown.stringvalue <h1>time : {{countdown.stringvalue}}</h1> you can see working plunker link.

java - Selendroid not starting virtual device -

java - Selendroid not starting virtual device - i trying started selendroid , selenium android virtual devices im having few issues. have java/android sdk/eclipse software installed , can run selenium chromedriver tests fine. when seek run test starts android virtual device, never starts , app doesnt list in http://localhost:4444/wd/hub/status page. my generic test below. if run code below, server start , can see local host info status page app version doesnt listed. if run java -jar selendroid-standalone-0.11.0-with-dependencies.jar -app selendroid-test-app-0.11.0.apk can see app listed in status page. have tried app pre-loaded on virtual device , wit signed app on virtual device, neither have worked. i pretty much @ dead end else solution. have spent 3-4 days looking solution cant seem find it. in java project have selenium , selendroid .jar file dependencies loaded. have yet install junit or 'test' releated package testpackage; import io.selendroid.selendro

excel retain first value in range of values -

excel retain first value in range of values - excel help: how find middle value in excel given 35-39 lbs. want reply 37(middle number in range)? for illustration in column below: a ---- 35- 39 lbs 40- 45 lbs the reply should a ---- 37 43 and how retain first value above illustration a ---- 35 40 one "average" =average(35,39) =37 , other "min" =min(40,43) =40. if want physical middle number in grouping '35,36,37,40,43' can utilize "median" =median(35,36,37,40,43) = 37 excel excel-formula

Android-version-dependent compilation -

Android-version-dependent compilation - is there kind of conditional compiling android? trying utilize android.webkit.webview.onpause(), while still supporting android api 8. i tried solutions suggested fiddler , andrey voitenkov @ conditional compiling in android? : public void pause() { int version =; if(version >= 11) { webviewonpause(_webview); } super.onpause(); } @targetapi(11) void webviewonpause(final android.webkit.webview webview) { new runnable() { public void run() { new pausestuffavailableonhc(webview); } }.run(); } class pausestuffavailableonhc { @targetapi(11) public pausestuffavailableonhc(android.webkit.webview webview) { webview.onpause(); } } ...but still prevented compiling/running app: "the method onpause() undefined type webview" and "your project contains error(s), please prepare them before running ap

c# - Open visio file and prompt Saveas window -

c# - Open visio file and prompt Saveas window - i have visio file want open in visio , prompt save window automatically means want open visio file through c# code , want prompt save window open pressing f12 button. problem me open visio file stuck on how prompt save window auto pressing f12 through code in c#. document.application.docmd(viscmdfilesaveas) ? c# visio

c# - Check that all the shims defined within a ShimsContext have been called -

c# - Check that all the shims defined within a ShimsContext have been called - is there way before end of shims context block ascertain shims defined in block have been called (without adding flag shim itself)? using (var shimscontext = shimscontext.create()) { = ... // execute code calls foo // check foo has been called } c# microsoft-fakes

Updating data from Bitcoin exchange API in Tkinter using Python -

Updating data from Bitcoin exchange API in Tkinter using Python - i wrote little programme using tkinter print out cost of bitcoin different exchange api. want able update info each x seconds can't figure out how. guess i'll need utilize .after( delay_ms, callback, args ) method. am right? # python 2.7.6. calling exchange apis. import time, json, requests tkinter import * root = tk() def bitstampusd(): bitstampusdtick = requests.get( '' ) homecoming bitstampusdtick.json()['last'] def btceusd(): btcebtctick = requests.get( '' ) homecoming btcebtctick.json()['ticker']['last'] bitstampusdlive = float( bitstampusd() ) btceusdlive = float( btceusd() ) photo = photoimage( file = './images/blackcoin_500_small.gif' ) text1 = text( root, height = 30, width = 31 ) text1.insert( end,'\n' ) text1.

php search on a partial IP address stored in mysql as unsigned int -

php search on a partial IP address stored in mysql as unsigned int - i have mysql db includes ip addresses. on search form, client wants search on partial ip address , have (perhaps) many results pop up. storing ip addresses in mysql unsigned int. using php 5.2, not have access php 5.7 , inet6_ntoa function. the current db has on 50,000 records , continues grow, don't want have convert ip's dotted notation, match - seems bit unwieldy. is there improve way me search on partial ip address? client insistent on this, there no choice. ps. i'm displaying info in datatables-1.10 shouldn't have way searching - fyi. assuming dealing ipv4 addresses, each address nil 32 bits. there mysql inet_ntoa function responsible homecoming string ip. so, might want utilize smth like: select ... ... inet_ntoa(...) (...) hope helps. upd: increment productivity suggest update table adding new char(16) field string representation of ip , trigger on upda

c# - Get yesterday's date from the date entered -

c# - Get yesterday's date from the date entered - i have console application accepts date parameter. however, date passed string in format: string dt ="yyyymmdd"); once date entered need programmatically day - 1 entered date. since string, cannot calculation. for example, user enters: 20141023 i need subtract day date get: 20141022 i did quick prepare solve immediate need, however, not right way , has bug: int yt = int32.parse(dt) - 1; and turn around , convert yt.tostring() the above solution not work if it's 1st of month. is there way can programmatically yesterday's date in format (yyyymmdd) without changing format , perchance not using timespan ? try this... datetime info = datetime.parseexact("20141023", "yyyymmdd", cultureinfo.invariantculture); console.writeline("{0} - {1}", data, data.adddays(-1).tostring("yyyymmdd")); c# date c

java - JSP - Can't upload image to Google Appengine -

java - JSP - Can't upload image to Google Appengine - i want upload image appengine therefor have entite myimage(from sourse in internet): @entity public class myimage implements serializable { /** * */ private static final long serialversionuid = 1l; @id private long id; static int id=1; private string name; blob image; public myimage() { id=(long) id++; } public myimage(string name, blob image) { = name; this.image = image; id=(long) id++; } // jpa getters , setters , empty contructor // ... public blob getimage() { homecoming image; } public void setimage(blob image) { this.image = image; } } i have code(also internt): (it's servlet used jsp page.) public class uploadimg extends httpservlet { /** * */ private static final long serialversionuid = 1l; public void dopost(https

java - How to add a 'Click for more details' expandable field to AlertDialog in android -

java - How to add a 'Click for more details' expandable field to AlertDialog in android - i have alertdialog shown when there error , prints 'error, not added/whatever", have result of exception i'd parse not shown users, want click on 'details' , read exception. alertdialog.builder dialogo1 = new alertdialog.builder(activity); dialogo1.settitle("error"); dialogo1.setmessage("could not update movie: " + result); dialogo1.setpositivebutton("ok", new dialoginterface.onclicklistener() { public void onclick(dialoginterface dialogo1, int id) { activity.finish(); } });; there code, pretty simple, right? haven't been able find reply anyway , i'm starting think not possible what want custom alert dialog. have layout , define dialog.then initialize listeners etc normal vie

c++ - Boost asio TCP async server not async? -

c++ - Boost asio TCP async server not async? - i using code provided in boost example. the server accepts 1 connection @ time. means, no new connections until current 1 closed. how create above code take unlimited connections @ same time? #include <cstdlib> #include <iostream> #include <memory> #include <utility> #include <boost/asio.hpp> using boost::asio::ip::tcp; class session : public std::enable_shared_from_this<session> { public: session(tcp::socket socket) : socket_(std::move(socket)) { } void start() { do_read(); } private: void do_read() { auto self(shared_from_this()); socket_.async_read_some(boost::asio::buffer(data_, max_length), [this, self](boost::system::error_code ec, std::size_t length) { if (!ec) { boost::this_thread::sleep(boost::posix_time::milliseconds(10000));//sleep time do_write(length); } }); }

MySQL get name of last added value on group by query -

MySQL get name of last added value on group by query - i'm trying show in index of videogame cheats , tips page cheats available listed, i'm grouping results videogame , counting how many cheats videogame has, can accomplish, i'm trying show lastly added cheat game. my query is: select a_games.game_id, count(*) cheat_count, a_games.game_fname, a_games.game_logo, a_cheats.cheat_title a_cheats left bring together a_games on a_games.game_id=a_cheats.game_id grouping a_cheats.game_id this shows first added cheat only. i tried using max on cheat_id value cheat_title keeps showing first added cheat. table a_cheats cheat_id type_id member_id game_id cheat_title cheat_body cheat_date 1 | 1 | 1 | 22 | truques v...| introduz...| 2014-10-...| 2 | 1 | 1 | 25 | invulnera...| durante ...| 2014-10-...| 3 | 1 | 1 | 25 |

c++ - C# program for automating excel with before close event handler not saving edited excel file -

c++ - C# program for automating excel with before close event handler not saving edited excel file - i wanted avoid excel ole calls through c++ code launch excel. wanted wait excel closed before proceeding. implemented next c# programme , utilize scheme phone call execute it. works changes create excel not getting saved. not sure whats happening. can please help. using system; using system.collections.generic; using system.linq; using system.text; using system.threading.tasks; using excel =; using; using system.runtime.interopservices; using; namespace excelhandler { class programme { private static bool isclosed = false; private static void app_workbookbeforeclose(excel.workbook wb, ref bool cancel) { if (!wb.saved) { dialogresult result ="do want save " + "changes made " + wb.full

scala - Using regex to access values from a map in keys -

scala - Using regex to access values from a map in keys - val m = map("a"->2,"ab"->3,"c"->4) scala> m.get("a"); scala> println(res.get) 2 scala> m.get(/a\.*/) // or similar. can list of key-value pairs key contains "a" without having iterate on entire map , doing simple specifying regex in key value? thanks in advance! no, cannot without iterating on entire map. in fact, can't think of single info construction allow it, nil of api. of course, iterating pretty simple: m.filterkeys(_ matches "a.*") regex scala

xml - Trouble getting Gradle to build Android L "Error: Found item Style/AppTheme more than one time" -

xml - Trouble getting Gradle to build Android L "Error: Found item Style/AppTheme more than one time" - i trying create android app using android l sdk version. however, when trying build project using gradle, run next error: "error: found item style/apptheme more 1 time" which points res/values-v21/styles.xml i know in res/values/styles.xml there style "apptheme" defined, far know next android developers guide on using android l. perhaps can help me: here my: build.gradle apply plugin: '' android { compilesdkversion 'android-l' buildtoolsversion '20.0.0' defaultconfig { applicationid "com.mayuonline.ribbit" minsdkversion 'l' targetsdkversion 'l' versioncode 1 versionname "1.0" } buildtypes { release { runproguard false proguardfiles getdefaultproguardfile('proguard-android.txt'), 'proguard-rules

How to print text files from folder through Java interface -

How to print text files from folder through Java interface - i building gui read text file generate , write alpha-numeric codes text document (.txt) based on user input. have read deal on how print text files java using declarations under "public static void main(string args []){" section using, way of illustration (i understand may not work , not code): public static void main(string args[]) { fileinputsteam fis = new fileinputstream(filename); doc txtdoc = new simpledoc(fis, null, null); docprintjob printjob = printservice.creatprintjob(); printjob.print(txtdoc, new hasprintrequestattributeset()); fis.close();} i haven't read much how phone call file specific location in folder, same file created user input, , print upon user command through interface, though. for instance, how create above capable of working under a private void printallbtnactionperformed(java.awt.event.actionevent evt) { sub-declaration appears above 'public static void main.

.net - Validating an email Address in C# -

.net - Validating an email Address in C# - i trying send email using c# using next code. mailmessage mail service = new mailmessage(); mail.from = new mailaddress(fromaddress, friendlyname);;; //set content mail.subject = emailsubject; mail.body = emailheader + "\n" + emailbody; //send message smtpclient smtp = new smtpclient(serveraddress); smtp.credentials = credentialcache.defaultnetworkcredentials; mail.isbodyhtml = true; smtp.send(mail); now "toaddress" string function recieves might contain single address, or might have many, comma delimited addresses. now problem that, in case of multiple comma delimited addresses, 1 or 2 of them might of wrong email address format. so when seek send email using code, exception: "the specified string not in form required e-mail address." is there way validate comma delimited e

node.js - Profile a gulp build with spy-js -

node.js - Profile a gulp build with spy-js - from 1 of comment in webstorm blog article, says 1 can debug grunt programme creating script file , invoke grunt. have gulp setup profile. so, created script file var gulp = require('gulp'); require('./gulpfile'); gulp.start.apply(gulp, ['default']) when run spy-js run session, executes , ton of trace info. traced application window shows ran correctly see logs. but, cannot find of methods in trace run window. should say, function called gulpfile.js ? tried quick search clicking on middle window , start typing. cannot find of method. another qn, how go next nail in quick search window. in attached image, nail 1 result, want go next. how? the best way utilize capture exclusions rid of noise files you're not interested in. on screenshot above, single file filter applied (meaning nil file captured), after applying such filter , restarting session see code gulpfile.js. can utilize

sql - Change the secondary database into normal mode -

sql - Change the secondary database into normal mode - is possible alter secondary database warm standby/read normal mode? stop logshipping? yes, possible alter secondary database warm standby/read normal mode. you can run command on secondary database take out of standby. (restore database my_db recovery) it wont 'stop' logs shipping. need pause/stop sql agent jobs that. if mean 'break' log shipping process, yes if switch secondary database out of standby normal mode. you have reinitialize log shipping definition primary database. sql sql-server sql-server-2008 log-shipping