backbone.js - Can I pass a global var to an underscore view? -

backbone.js - Can I pass a global var to an underscore view? -

i wonder if possible pass global variable when rendering template. variable each time phone call controller, looks this:

window.myvar = 0; //this var alter in given moment when create request server.. so: //into render method of view, have this: var template = _.template($("#mytemplate").html(), { variwanttopass : myvar } ); this.$el.html(template);

this way can access template this:

<%= variwanttopass.get('myvar') %>

if possible?; , also, each time render view, code excute 1 time again , update value?

yes, except template has be

<%= variwanttopass %>

and pass variable window.myvar not accidentally replace it

and yes update after each render if pass variable each time

working example:


<script id="mytemplate" type="text/html"> <%= variwanttopass%> </script> <div></div>


window.myvar = 'a'; var templatehtml = $("#mytemplate").html() var render = function () { var template = _.template(templatehtml, { variwanttopass : window.myvar } ); homecoming template; } $('div').html(render()); window.myvar = 'b'; //change variable settimeout(function() { $('div').html(render()); }, 1000)

however advocate on not using global variable , instead saving somewhere in backbone view or improve model , render listening on model alter event



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