c++ - How to set the '-l' argument for g++ in eclipse? -

c++ - How to set the '-l' argument for g++ in eclipse? -

trying compile boost c++ code have found out 1 needs name libraries used explicit. so, given next code:

#include<iostream> #include<boost/filesystem/operations.hpp> namespace bfs=boost::filesystem; int main() { bfs::path p("second.cpp"); if(bfs::exists(p)) std::cout<<p.leaf()<<std::endl; }

i able compile (and link) next command line

g++ -o main main.cpp -lboost_filesystem -lboost_system

how can define -l libraries in eclipse, eclipse able compile (and link) code without undefined reference error?

this question on usage , configuration of eclipse.

you need go

project -> properties

and add together libraries want utilize manually. see screenshot:

c++ eclipse


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