order - Will Java continue with condition if it is already proven to be false? -

order - Will Java continue with condition if it is already proven to be false? -

this question has reply here:

difference between & , && 8 answers

say status looks this:

if (false && true) //code

would break away status before reaches true, because false , && never true?

also, if have code this:

boolean dividestotwo (int operand1, int operand2) { if ((operand2 != 0) && operand1 / operand2 == 2) homecoming true; homecoming false; }

would work intended, or error partition zero? (if sec operand zero)

for first part of question see this answer. called short circuit evaluation:

when using && sec part evaluated if first part true when using || sec part evaluated if first part false

for sec part of question:

yes work expected! if operand2 0 evaluation canceled , no partition 0 occurr!

java order condition


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