java - Assign strictly one special bolt on each machine in storm cluster -

java - Assign strictly one special bolt on each machine in storm cluster -

i start special bolt on every machine in cluster.

storm has pluggable scheduler, documentation scanty. there 1 understandable example xumingming. how implemented pattern using ischeduler ?


we have tcpbolt, listens port 8765. tcpbolt parallelism == cluster size. need start 1 instance of bolt on each machine.

the illustration , source code gives plenty demo code this.

first need set task number of tcpbolt host number of cluser.

then in ischeduler impl, using info in private map<string, schedulerassignmentimpl> assignments; check if tcpbolt assign host ( in schedulerassignmentimpl, using info map<executordetails, workerslot> executortoslot;)

finally, if not assigned, using next code assign

// re-get aviableslots availableslots = cluster.getavailableslots(specialsupervisor);   // since demo, maintain things simple, assign // executors 1 slot. cluster.assign(availableslots.get(0), topology.getid(), executors);

this rough idea. hope helps.

java apache-storm


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