How to check Internet connectivity in my Google map application (Android) -

How to check Internet connectivity in my Google map application (Android) -

how set network validation on google map,its working when net or wifi on.but not working when net down

please, seek this. hope help you.

public static int type_wifi = 1; public static int type_mobile = 2; public static int type_not_connected = 0; public static int getconnectivitystatus(context context) { connectivitymanager cm = (connectivitymanager) context .getsystemservice(context.connectivity_service); networkinfo activenetwork = cm.getactivenetworkinfo(); if (null != activenetwork) { if(activenetwork.gettype() == connectivitymanager.type_wifi) homecoming type_wifi; if(activenetwork.gettype() == connectivitymanager.type_mobile) homecoming type_mobile; } homecoming type_not_connected; } public static string getconnectivitystatusstring(context context) { int conn = networkutil.getconnectivitystatus(context); string status = null; if (conn == networkutil.type_wifi) { status = "wifi enabled"; } else if (conn == networkutil.type_mobile) { status = "mobile info enabled"; } else if (conn == networkutil.type_not_connected) { status = "not connected internet"; } homecoming status; }

android google-maps google-maps-api-2


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