c++ - Wrap raw data in std container like array, with runtime size -

c++ - Wrap raw data in std container like array, with runtime size -

is there std container fixed size std::array, size not compile time, runtime?

i want pass part of info have stored in std::array std::acculumate , similar functions. not want utilize std::vector (working on embedded platform), hence looking in between.

assume code this, want used in place of array_part:

#include <array> #include <algorithm> #include <iostream> #include <numeric> #include <vector> int main() { std::array<float,100> somedata; // fill info int datacount = 50; std::array_part<float> partofdata(somedata.data(),datacount)); // <<<<< here const auto s_x = std::accumulate(partofdata.begin(), partofdata.end(), 0.0); }

if there no such container, how can wrap raw info have , nowadays them std::accumulate , other std algorithms?

std::accumulate takes iterators. can pass iterators contain range of interest:

auto start = partofdata.begin() + 42; auto end = partofdata.begin() + 77; const auto s_x = std::accumulate(start, end, 0.0);

alternatively, can roll out own non-owning container-like object. see this question example.

c++ arrays c++11 containers std


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