
Showing posts from March, 2015

ios - ABMultiValueCopyLabelAtIndex returns null, but the label is visible in the address book -

ios - ABMultiValueCopyLabelAtIndex returns null, but the label is visible in the address book - i'm trying read label of particular instant message service in address book. in case i'm testing facebook messenger service, on phone. contact has linked contacts, 1 recorded instant message service. i tried find info on how abmultivaluecopylabelatindex works, found "may homecoming null". if there's no visible label in address book yeah, understand why homecoming null. in case there label, , reads "facebook messenger" in person view. still null, why? - (bool)personviewcontroller:(abpersonviewcontroller *)personviewcontroller shouldperformdefaultactionforperson:(abrecordref)personrecord property:(abpropertyid)property identifier:(abmultivalueidentifier)identifierforvalue { // im services: abmultivalueref instantmessageproperty = abrecordcopyvalue(personrecord, property); // 1 particular im service: cfdictionaryref instantmessagedict

Xcode Restore code from App in iOS Simulator -

Xcode Restore code from App in iOS Simulator - given working app in ios simulator, possible retrieve code running app? or there snapshot functionality in xcode used restore codebase? i accidentally nuked whole project in git git update-ref -d head . understand, there no way undo this. trying undo first commit made per this post, disastrous results. i realize i'm screwed here love hear suggestions. you can't "retrieve code" simulator it's not running code, it's running compiled version, it's .ipa compiled processor mac uses. there snapshot function, if had turned on can restore project state 1 of previous snapshots. can find "restore snapshot…" item in file menu. it looks this: ios xcode git ios-simulator

Merging dataframes that are outputs from a for loop in r -

Merging dataframes that are outputs from a for loop in r - i have big dataframe (only showing first 3 columns): dataframe called chr22_hap12 2 1 3 2 1 3 2 1 3 2 1 2 2 2 1 2 2 1 i proportion of each number (ones, twos , threes in order) every column , store in dataframe. this have far: for (i in 1:3 ) { length(chr22_hap12[,i]) -> total_snps sum(chr22_hap12[,i]==1,na.rm=false) -> counts_ancestry_1 sum(chr22_hap12[,i]==2,na.rm=false) -> counts_ancestry_2 sum(chr22_hap12[,i]==3,na.rm=false) -> counts_ancestry_3 (counts_ancestry_1*100)/total_snps -> ancestry_1_perc (counts_ancestry_2*100)/total_snps -> ancestry_2_perc (counts_ancestry_3*100)/total_snps -> ancestry_3_perc haplo_df[i] = null haplo_df[i] = c(ancestry_1_perc,ancestry_2_perc,ancestry_3_perc)[i]) } i these erros: after trying set haplo_df[i] = null error in haplo_df[i] = null : object 'haplo_df' not found and after haplo_

Numerical Instability Causes Crash in iOS OpenGL ES 3.0 Vertex Shader, Shader Language Version 300 -

Numerical Instability Causes Crash in iOS OpenGL ES 3.0 Vertex Shader, Shader Language Version 300 - i doing block matrix inversion of 6x6 matrix, split 4x4, 2x4, 4x2 , 2x2 block, somewhere along way goes wrong , attempting access 1 of values causes crash. thought seek using isnan() or isinf() observe bad value, appears cause crash well. // pieces of block matrix inversion: mat4 inva = inverse(a); mat2 invd = inverse(d); mat4 schura = - b*invd*c; mat2 schurd = d - c*inva*b; mat2x4 upperr = -inva*b*schurd; mat4x2 lowerl = -invd*c*schura; // set outgoing color vertex yellowish: v_pcolormarker = vec3(0.90, 1.00, 0.60); // not crash, seems can multiply these matrix values: vec2 p45 = vec2(0.0); p45 += lowerl*b0123 + schurd*b45; float temp = schurd[0][1]; // checking matrix entry nan causes crash ????!!!! if (isnan(temp)) { // set vertex color i’ll able see , detect: v_pcolormarker = vec3(0.0, 1.0, 0.0); } any ideas? not sure how debug since crash happening in verte

android - It's not possible to produce and subscribe to events using Otto? -

android - It's not possible to produce and subscribe to events using Otto? - i'm trying subscribe , post same fragment, i'm getting error when seek register fragment: ...(my method) has @produce annotation requires 1 arguments. methods must require 0 arguments. on busprovider.getinstance().register(this); so guess it's not possible, maybe there alternative without additional interfaces. thanks in advance! methods annotated @produce must not take arguments. should homecoming event object. "i'm trying subscribe , post" suggests need alter @subscribe annotation instead. for posting events, utilize post() . @produce meant returning latest value of event. android android-fragments otto

javascript - Error using spread with Q.all -

javascript - Error using spread with Q.all - i utilize q.all in conjunction spread in order migrate 2 promise.then beingness simultaneously performed on successful resolution of promise : var p1=112; var p2=function(data){ console.log(data); homecoming getformdatawithdropdown(objtype,scenario); }; var guidrequest=processguidrequest(); if(!q.ispromise(guidrequest)) { guidrequest=q(guidrequest); } guidrequest.all([p1,p2]) .spread(function(geoval,formval){ console.log(geoval); console.log(formval); }).done(); p1 value , p2 function returns function called getformdatawithdropdown returns promise or value based on resolution of chained set of promise s.however error when run code: uncaught typeerror: function.prototype.apply: arguments list has wrong type the error occurs in function: promise.prototype.spread = function (fulfilled, rejected) { homecoming this.all().then(function (array) { homecoming fulfilled.apply(void 0,

c# - ngen.exe full memory usage and system lockup -

c# - ngen.exe full memory usage and system lockup - if ever leave computer idle more 20 minutes, locks up. happens whenever compile , run programme in c# visual studio 2010. @ first had no thought @ issue was, after bit of debugging, found ngen.exe using 100% of computer's 8gb of ram. using resource monitor managed suspend process , work out "ngen.exe" is. it turns out .net native image generator. tried 1 time leaving pc on 5 hours, didn't clear up. i'm guessing memory leak somewhere. ideas? note, running windows 8.1, 3.5ghz amd fx 8320 cpu, , 8gb of ram. c# .net

scala - JsPath.json.update doesn't work with array element in the path (IdxPathNode)? -

scala - JsPath.json.update doesn't work with array element in the path (IdxPathNode)? - are eyes deceiving me or can not update nested node jspath containing array element in between? (e.g. /a/b(0)/c) val pnjson = json.parse("""{"a": {"b": [ {"c": { "d": 1 } } ] } } """) val pnjspath = (__ \ "a" \ "b")(0) \ "c" val pntrans = pnjspath.json.update ([jsobject].map{ _ ++ json.obj( "e" -> 2 )} ) pnjson.transform(pntrans) //result: java.lang.runtimeexception: expected keypathnode if cant utilize __.json.update, how can accomplish this? trying accomplish immutablity. the short reply you can't jspath . ticket mentions using jszipper library improve way manipulate json. if take utilize it, can do: scala> import play.api.libs.json.ext

Eloquent Javascript 2nd. Chapter 4. Computing Correlation. Final Analysis - [Variable Recursion & in operator] Pt 2 -

Eloquent Javascript 2nd. Chapter 4. Computing Correlation. Final Analysis - [Variable Recursion & in operator] Pt 2 - i'm working through end of first illustration in chapter 4 eloquent javascript. here total piece of code (it's lastly piece have questions regarding attached first portion reference). var journal = []; function addentry(events, diditurnintoasquirrel) { journal.push({ events: events, squirrel: diditurnintoasquirrel }); function phi(table) { homecoming (table[3] * table[0] - table[2] * table[1]) / math.sqrt((table[2] + table[3]) * (table[0] + table[1]) * (table[1] + table[3]) * (table[0] + table[2])); } function hasevent(event, entry) { homecoming != -1; } function tablefor(event, journal) { var table = [0, 0, 0, 0]; (var = 0; < journal.length; i++) { var entry = journal[i], index = 0; if (hasevent(event, entry)) index += 1; if (entry.s

How to run a .sql file as part of a MySQL Workbench 6.2 query? -

How to run a .sql file as part of a MySQL Workbench 6.2 query? - i'm using mysql workbench 6.2 [windows7] , want create script steps. among steps, have series of .sql files stored on computer create , populate tables. want run these files query tab every time utilize command: source c:/users/[username]/desktop/sampdb/create_president.sql; i error 1064, says "error code: 1064. have error in sql syntax; check manual corresponds mysql server version right syntax utilize near 'mysql> source c:/users/[username]/desktop/sampdb/create_president.sql @ line 1 " can tell me i'm doing wrong? how can refer .sql file within mysql workbench script? what code should utilize in mysql workbench instead of source ? have tried load info local infile 'c:/users/[username]/desktop/sampdb/create_president.sql'; didn't work either. thought can wrong? *just additional information, create_president.sql contains next code: drop table

ios8 - Spacing between blocks in Swift 100% width -

ios8 - Spacing between blocks in Swift 100% width - im testing stuff app in swift. goal have total screen covered in blocks, give 100% width , height. reason, theres 1px or 2px spacing. i think because when screenwidth 320px, , seek split 3 blocks, give 106,6666px pr block not possible. anyone got thought how solve this? should maybe add together 1px if number uneven? swift ios8 width block

java - Running Spring app built with gradle on Heroku -

java - Running Spring app built with gradle on Heroku - i have problem spring application built gradle. app includes mongodb(mongohq heroku). i managed how force on heroku, i've added code project: @configuration public class mongohqconfiguration { public @bean mongodbfactory mongodbfactory() throws mongoexception, unknownhostexception { homecoming new simplemongodbfactory(new mongouri(system.getenv("mongohq_url"))); } public @bean mongotemplate mongotemplate() throws exception { homecoming new mongotemplate(mongodbfactory()); } } after changing buildpacks 1 gradle, pushed on heroku free business relationship mongohq sandbox. but after trying run app through web browser, i'm getting error: an error occurred in application , page not served. please seek 1 time again in few moments. if application owner, check logs details. heroku logs gives me output: 2014-10-15t18:19:30.293964+00:00 heroku[web

python - Tkinter RPy2 GUI Issues -

python - Tkinter RPy2 GUI Issues - i have tcltk gui coded in r wish implement via python using r's "source" command. in past, has been simple implementation; phone call source command using rpy2 python , tcltk gui load. however, seems not case. realize tkinter not multithreaded , reason my gui freezes. to combat this, have attempted create thread in python (containing "source" command) acts thread , uses queue function. now, tcltk gui r source command runs , not frozen (since has ability update or refresh, if will); however, source command called in infinite loop resulting in multiple instances of r gui beingness started. is there way can phone call source command once, have gui maintain ability take input? here code far adapted illustration found: import tkinter

ruby on rails - Typus with existing devise model getting 401 unauthorized error -

ruby on rails - Typus with existing devise model getting 401 unauthorized error - i'm new ruby on rails , have problem configuring typus devise. i have rails rest app (built using rails_api) , uses devise authentication stuff. i'm working on new rails app supposed admin pages of rest app using typus. ultimately, aim have admin app access same database rest app have been built before while using existing devise model of rest app. however, maintain getting 401 unathorized message though user exists in database. to precise, have devise model, account , in rest app , want utilize particular devise model devise model in admin app. copied model account (alongside other models) rest app new admin app, then, followed this configure typus utilize devise authentication without generating new devise model: rails generate devise:install rails generate typus # config/initializers/typus.rb typus.setup |config| config.authentication = :devise config.user_class_name = &quo

excel - Vlookup to search non-unique values -

excel - Vlookup to search non-unique values - i have 2 excel sheets below values sheet1 empid appname appid [only appid unique] sheet2 empid appname requestnum [only requestnum unique] empid repeated since there multiple apps associated 1 users appname repeated since there multiple instances of single app associated 1 users now, want requestnum sheet2 sheet1 , returns me 1st value in case of duplicates. concatnating empid & appname not work since not create unique combination. how accomplish that? possible combination of formulae or need macro? any help much appreciated :) pasting sample sheets below, thx quick response: sheet1: empid appname appid a123 app1 uniqueid001 a123 app2 uniqueid002 b444 app66 uniqueid003 b898 app1 uniqueid004 h123 app33 uniqueid005 a123 app1 uniqueid006 b444 app33 uniqueid007 l001 app2 uniqueid008 h123 app1 uniqueid009 sheet2: empid appname requestnum a123 ap

Ruby encoding issue showing weird characters on emails -

Ruby encoding issue showing weird characters on emails - im on ruby 1.9.3p545 , rails 3.0.20 i have contact form , i'm sending next email user when fill up: give thanks enquiry beverly, email receipt confirm have received enquiry , `we'll` in touch shortly. my issue it's showing we&#x27;ll instead of showing we'll , need display message properly? my controller create action: def create @inquiry =[:inquiry]) if if @inquiry.ham? begin inquirymailer.notification(@inquiry, request).deliver rescue logger.warn "there error delivering enquiry notification.\n#{$!}\n" end begin inquirymailer.confirmation(@inquiry, request).deliver rescue logger.warn "there error delivering enquiry confirmation:\n#{$!}\n" end end redirect_to thank_you_inquiries_url else render :action =

How to use json response in gson library + android + java -

How to use json response in gson library + android + java - i getting web service response this.i getting response here . @override public void getwebserviceresponse(string result) { // todo auto-generated method stub log.d("-----", "naveen"+ result); } now need utilize gson library create model or dot , holder class holder: public class holder { list<deparaturedaseboarddto> data; } **dto:** package com.firstgroup.dto; public class deparaturedaseboarddto { @serializedname("alertsid") int alertsid; @serializedname("destexparrival") string destexparrival; @serializedname("destscharrival") string destscharrival; @serializedname("expdepart") string expdepart; @serializedname("filteredstation") string filteredstation; @serializedname("platformno") string platformno; @serializedname("rid") string rid; @seriali

Reuse of google form triggers -

Reuse of google form triggers - i automatically create form gas follows: var form = formapp.create(form_name); scriptapp.newtrigger('mysubmit') .forform(form) .onformsubmit() .create(); the problem creates trigger every time new form created. there way reuse same trigger? problem number of triggers available business relationship runs out quickly. if utilize apps script create form , create form submit trigger form, trigger have created attached script, not new form. why running 20 triggers / user / script quota limit. keep in mind triggers live on scripts, not docs, sheets, or forms. can utilize script create new form, can't utilize script create new script attached form (scripts cannot create other scripts). means cannot programmatically create trigger lives on document. what can create forms add-on that, when new form created, user can nail menu command create form submit trigger form. google-apps-script google-form

android - ScrollView in Fullscreen -

android - ScrollView in Fullscreen - i have develope app in fullscreen mode , have formular textedits , buttons. if keyboard pops hides 2 buttons set scrollview: <scrollview xmlns:android="" xmlns:tools="" android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_height="fill_parent" android:padding="10dip" tools:context="controller.regsiteractivity" > <linearlayout android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:orientation="vertical" > <textview android:id="@+id/register_textview_firstname" android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:layout_marginbottom="5dip" android:singleline=&

c - How to assign a array to a pointer in a struct? -

c - How to assign a array to a pointer in a struct? - i have next structs example: #define max_people 16 typedef struct { int age; }person; typedef struct { person *people; int numpeople; }team; i'm trying allocate array of persons in function, passed parameters. team supposed store array of 16 pointers of person . can't figure out i'm doing wrong. void initiateteam(team * team){ team->numpeople = max_people; person *p[max_people]; for(int i=0; i<max_people;i++){ p[i] = malloc(sizeof(person); } team->people = &p[0]; } i printed out addresses of team->people[i] , i'm getting random junk. why assingment team->people = &p[0] wrong? shouldn't first address of array perform pointer arithmetic? since in comments stated you're trying allocate array of person objects , not pointers, should rather do: void addpeople(team * team){ team->numpeople = max_people; team->people = malloc(s

canvas - spinner wont appear on the form -

canvas - spinner wont appear on the form - hi guys i've made boo boo! made spinner , populated it, thought... i'd alter colour of form black white, did spinner isnt there , im not sure ive done! kind of do, figured have code in wrong place i'm not sure right place is... sooooo from bs4 import beautifulsoup urllib import request import sys, traceback import re import kivy import app kivy.uix.button import button kivy.uix.label import label kivy.uix.spinner import spinner kivy.base import runtouchapp kivy.uix.image import image kivy.uix.widget import widget kivy.lang import builder root = builder.load_string(''' floatlayout: canvas.before: color: rgba: 1, 1, 1, 1 rectangle: # self here refers widget i.e floatlayout pos: self.pos size: self.size''') class mainapp(app): def build(self): #add drop downwards box filled stations spinner = spinner( # default valu

visual c++ - How would I make Send execute before Receive in Boost -

visual c++ - How would I make Send execute before Receive in Boost - note: using microsoft visual c++ 2010 express. as title describes, having problem socket.send , socket.receive. socket.receive keeps wanting execute before socket executes send: using boost::asio::ip::tcp; boost::asio::io_service io_service; boost::system::error_code closesock; tcp::resolver resolver(io_service); tcp::resolver::query query("", "11113"); tcp::resolver::iterator endpoint_iterator = resolver.resolve(query); tcp::socket socket(io_service); boost::asio::connect(socket, endpoint_iterator); boost::asio::streambuf recvbuf; boost::asio::streambuf::mutable_buffers_type recvbuff = recvbuf.prepare(256); const char* sndbuf = "this buffer"; string sendbuff = sndbuf; socket.send(boost::asio::buffer(sendbuff)); //this should execute first , finish first socket.receive(boost::asio::buffer(recvbuff)); //this should

Django - why can't I access dynamically-generated attributes in classes in my from -

Django - why can't I access dynamically-generated attributes in classes in my from - here : class parent(models.model): id = models.charfield(max_length=14, primary_key=true) json_dump = models.textfield(null=false) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(base, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) setattr(self, 'name', json.loads(self.json_dump)['name']) class meta: abstract = true class child(parent): magnitude = models.integerfield() in configure admin kid have name attribute displayed, have following: class childadmin(admin.modeladmin): model = kid def get_list_display(self, request): homecoming ('id', 'name', 'magnitude'), childadmin) i have have list_display generated on fly get_list_display method because otherwise django throws error on startup complaining name not defined in

web services - Make WCF webservice available over http and https using basicHttpsBinding -

web services - Make WCF webservice available over http and https using basicHttpsBinding - i'm trying create webservice available on http , https, i'm running error: a kid element named 'endpoint' same key exists @ same configuration scope. collection elements must unique within same configuration scope (e.g. same application.config file). duplicate key value: 'address:;bindingconfiguration;bindingname:;bindingnamespace:;bindingsectionname:basichttpsbinding;contracttype:restservice.iservice;kind:;endpointconfiguration:;'. now, that's clear error, don't know how alter configuration back upwards http , https requests on same contract. notice wish utilize wcf4.5 basichttpsbinding configuration. here's configuration: <system.servicemodel> <servicehostingenvironment aspnetcompatibilityenabled="true" multiplesitebindingsenabled="true" /> <services> <service name="restservice

javascript - Get transaction record type name in netsuite using suitescript -

javascript - Get transaction record type name in netsuite using suitescript - i have requirement show transaction record types name in dropdown. how can transaction record types name using suitescript. there inbuilt apis or thought can help. i don't see dynamic way transaction type here list of transaction types in netsuite (and corresponding ids): assembly build - build assembly unbuild - unbuild bill - vendbill bill ccard - vendcard bill credit - vendcred bill payment - vendpymt cash refund - cashrfnd cash sale - cashsale ccard refund - cardrfnd check - check commission - commissn credit card - cardchrg credit memo - custcred currency revaluation - fxreval client deposit - custdep client refund - custrfnd deposit - deposit deposit application - depappl expense study - exprept inventory adjustment - invadjst inventory worksheet - invwksht invoice - custinvc item fulfillment - itemship item receipt - itemrcpt journal - journal liability adjustment - liaadjst cha

Reading from file in R when I have a part of its name -

Reading from file in R when I have a part of its name - how can read file in r when have part of name including starting or ending characters? thanks you can utilize list.files , has pattern argument, seek match close can. writelines(c('hello', 'world'), '~/tmp/example_file_abc') filename <- list.files(path = '~/tmp', pattern = 'file_abc$', full.names = true)[1] readlines(filename) # [1] "hello" "world" r

python - Django Admin, custom permission checkbox -

python - Django Admin, custom permission checkbox - please help me. i'm stuck in 1 place in django project generate questionnaires teachers. i've implemented own useradmin model, , despite is_staff, is_superuser fields, have own boolean field "is_teacher". when creating new user, if "is_teacher" box ticked, want give user permissions manage whole questionnaire model, remove permissions managing myuser model(creating, changing , deleting users) this i've implemented: in class myusermanager(baseusermanager): def create_user(self, username, email=none, password=none): if not username: raise valueerror('the given username must set') email = myusermanager.normalize_email(email) user = self.model(username=username, email=email, is_staff=true, is_active=true, is_superuser=false, is_teacher=true) user.set_password(password) homecoming user - Postbacks fail after upgrade from .NET 3.5 to .NET 4.5.1 - - Postbacks fail after upgrade from .NET 3.5 to .NET 4.5.1 - i've searched similar i'm experiencing couple of days no luck. upgraded suite of web forms applications .net 3.5 .net 4.5.1. after cleaning few referencing issues surrounding nuget packages, managed building , running (locally: iis8) much easier expected. however, 1 time uploaded production server (iis 7.5, windows server 2008 r2), noticed post-backs, whether triggered linkbutton or autopostback on dropdownlist, work intermittently. first load of page, works fine. go page 1 time again min later, click same button, , post-back happens event handler isn't reached. event handlers attached either via onclick or onchange properties or 'handles' clause in code-behind. one thing find curious when postback happens on link button click event , event handler isn't reached, form reset. suggest viewstate related issue? again, worked fine when application targeting .net 3.5, , it's

Swift collections in unit tests -

Swift collections in unit tests - i new swift , don't understand implicit type casting, have in unit test: let protocols: anyobject? = nsbundle.mainbundle().infodictionary?["uisupportedexternalaccessoryprotocols"]; i need test protocols exists, array , contains "foo" , "bar". i came solution: let protocols: anyobject? = nsbundle.mainbundle().infodictionary?["uisupportedexternalaccessoryprotocols"]; if allow p = protocols as? [string] { xctasserttrue(contains(p, "foo")); xctasserttrue(contains(p, "bar")); } else { xctfail("uisupportedexternalaccessoryprotocols must array"); } is there improve way handle it? unit-testing swift

What does EA compliance mean for java application -

What does EA compliance mean for java application - can guide me links or shed lite on ea compliant application (my java ear) signify , advantages. on side note, seek deploy java web application on websphere 7. edit: ea enterprise-appliance. thanks. java java-ee

sql server 2008 - Combine 2 sql table rows into one -

sql server 2008 - Combine 2 sql table rows into one - i'm trying combine below rows 1 record report. looking [loan officer] , [realtor] names show on 1 line. help appreciated. here now select distinct z.state ,z.county , ,cr.zipcode ,cr.route ,upper(c1.lastname) + ', ' + upper(c1.firstname) 'loan officer' ,upper(c2.lastname) + ', ' + upper(c2.firstname) 'realtor' , prospecting.zipcodecarrierroute cr (nolock) inner bring together zipcodes z (nolock) on z.zipcode = cr.zipcode left bring together prospecting.contact_carriercode_assignments cca (nolock) on cca.zipcodecarrierrouteid = left bring together c1 (nolock) on c1.contactid = cca.contactid , c1.contacttypeid = 1 left bring together c2 (nolock) on c2.contactid = cca.contactid

styling - CSS border above and below but not full width -

styling - CSS border above and below but not full width - i attempting create global css style blockquote markup of site i'm working on. goal create mockup image below. i'd prefer avoid having generate additional markup besides existing <blockquote> element. using css pseudo-classes i'm trying add together horizontal borders above , below blockquote, borders should extend 50% of width of text, whereas border extend way across. class="snippet-code-css lang-css prettyprint-override"> blockquote { margin:0 auto;position:relative;text-align:center; display:table;font-size:15px; } blockquote:before { content:'\a';height:1px;width:40%;position:absolute;width:40%;background:#000; } blockquote:after { content:'\a';height:1px;width:40%;position:absolute;width:40%;background:#000;bottom:0; } class="snippet-code-html lang-html prettyprint-override"> <blockquote> neque porro quisquam e porro quisquest

Polymer looks different on firefox and chrome -

Polymer looks different on firefox and chrome - im new polymer want know why looks different chrome , fox? chrome looks in fox looks different color of scaffold toolbar, logo , content, im using firefox 33.1 url: firefox doesn't seem honoring utilize of deep shadow elements in site.css file. header-koh::shadow .logo{ is valid in chrome, not in firefox. firefox doesn't back upwards web components , conventions out of box, can enable dom.webcomponents.enabled flag turn them on , similar experience across browsers. guide how enable feature given here: enable custom elements in firefox firefox , ie both have total web component back upwards in progress , back upwards them out of box soon. google-chrome firefox polymer

bash - can't write .bashrc to add path of android NDK -

bash - can't write .bashrc to add path of android NDK - i have downloaded ndk eclips have add together ndk path , have add together lines .bashrc. i have add together next lines .bashrc export android_ndk=/_path_to/android-ndk-linux/ export android_sdk=/_path_to/android-sdk-linux/ export path=$path:$android_sdk/tools:$android_sdk/platform-tools:$android_ndk in terminal wrote.... ~/.bashrc but says bash: /home/user/.bashrc: permission denied how can alter permission write .bashrc????? when type on command line: ~/.bashrc you requesting shell execute file. if want edit file, try: nano ~/.bashrc replace nano name of favorite editor. if want re-create , paste 3 lines file, don't need editor. run following: cat >>~/.bashrc then, re-create , paste 3 lines. press come in , type control-d , done. android bash android-ndk

.net - How do I render a template and its arguments manually in Serilog? -

.net - How do I render a template and its arguments manually in Serilog? - how implement next method? string buildserilogmessage(string messagetemplate, params object[] propertyvalues); the arguments same ones accepted ilogger.debug etc. the reason why want because want preserve template/values in intermediate exception needs have single string message well. this: // exception designed loggable serilog [serializable] public class structuredexception : exception { public string messagetemplate { get; private set; } public object[] propertyvalues { get; private set; } public structuredexception(string messagetemplate, params object[] propertyvalues) : base(buildmessage(messagetemplate, propertyvalues)) { messagetemplate = messagetemplate; propertyvalues = propertyvalues; } public structuredexception(exception inner, string messagetemplate, params object[] propertyvalues) : base(buildmessage(messagetemplate, prope

Wordpress: Forcefully logout -

Wordpress: Forcefully logout - when i'm changing password front end side profile alter functionality using "profile builder" plugin. manually add together logout functionality below : <a href="<?php echo wp_logout_url(home_url()); ?>" title="logout">logout</a> then asking confirmation wants logged out. i don't want confirmation, because redirects wp-admin confimation. any way forcefully logged out front end in wordpress. you can activate plugin , add together next code functions.php add_action( 'wp_logout', 'auto_redirect_after_logout' ); function auto_redirect_after_logout(){ wp_redirect( home_url() ); exit(); } change link code to <a href="<?php echo wp_logout_url(); ?>" title="logout">logout</a> wordpress

mysql - How to make delayed DELETE SQL query? -

mysql - How to make delayed DELETE SQL query? - i need delete rows table 14 days after delete query has been made. possible using mysql? you can utilize built-in mysql event scheduler schedule query or stored routine run at arbitrary point in time: this illustration of minimal create event statement: create event myevent on schedule @ current_timestamp + interval 1 hr update myschema.mytable set mycol = mycol + 1; please mind, the event scheduler disabled default. mysql delete-row

regex - "Two Way" Rewrite -

regex - "Two Way" Rewrite - so, i'm trying accomplish this: we have url /brand/new-inventory.php . physical file within our site. i'd /brand/new . easy. had add together rewriterule ^brand/new$ brand/new-inventory.php [l,qsa] . now, i'd setup , i've been struggling this: we need /brand/new-inventory.php when viewed redirect /brand/new have consistent url's , what-not. but, when seek rewriterule ^brand/new-inventory.php$ brand/new [r=301,l] firefox starts complain redirect loop never end. how can rewrite page respond different url, , redirect old url new one? have way: rewritecond %{the_request} \s/+brand/new-inventory\.php[/\s?] [nc] rewriterule ^ /brand/new [r=302,l] rewriterule ^brand/new$ /brand/new-inventory.php [l,nc] difference utilize of %{the_request} represents original request received apache browser. value of variable doesn't alter application of other rewrite rules. regex apache .htaccess mod-rewri

Horizontal Navigation Dropdown menu with Javascript & JSON -

Horizontal Navigation Dropdown menu with Javascript & JSON - how dropdown appear on horizontal navigation menu? using pure js no jquery. here code: var xmlhttp = new xmlhttprequest(); var nav = "navigation.json"; xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = function() { if (xmlhttp.readystate == 4 && xmlhttp.status == 200) { var mynav = json.parse(xmlhttp.responsetext); mainnav(mynav); } }"get", nav, true); xmlhttp.send(); function mainnav(arr) { var out = "" var i; for(i = 0; < arr.length; i++) { out += '<a href="' + arr[i].url + '">' + arr[i].display + '</a>'; } document.getelementbyid("navlinks").innerhtml = out; } i have json file beingness called ajax. here snippet of json data. [ { "display":"company address", "url":"", "sub":[ { "display":"2014-

logcat - Android String Resource not found Exception -

logcat - Android String Resource not found Exception - so in app have edit text gets changed depending on click of button within list view. have used interface , custom adapter. app launches fine when seek click button app crashes , gives 'resource not found exception'. can help prepare error? my main activity package com.example.rory.dbtest; import; import android.content.intent; import android.database.cursor; import android.database.sqlite.sqlitedatabase; import android.os.bundle; import android.util.log; import android.view.layoutinflater; import android.os.handler; import android.view.view; import android.view.viewgroup; import android.widget.adapterview; import android.widget.baseadapter; import android.widget.button; import android.widget.edittext; import android.widget.listview; import android.widget.toast; import com.pinchtapzoom.r; import; import; import; import ja

c# - converting a .net Func to a .net Expression<Func> -

c# - converting a .net Func<T> to a .net Expression<Func<T>> - going lambda look easy using method call... public void gimmeexpression(expression<func<t>> expression) { ((memberexpression)expression.body); // "dostuff" } public void somewhereelse() { gimmeexpression(() => thing.dostuff()); } but turn func in expression, in rare cases... public void containthedanger(func<t> dangerouscall) { seek { dangerouscall(); } grab (exception e) { // next line not work... expression<func<t>> dangerousexpression = dangerouscall; var nameofdanger = ((memberexpression)dangerouscall.body); throw new dangercontainer( "danger manifested while " + nameofdanger, e); } } public void somewhereelse() { containthedanger(() => thing.crossthestreams()); } the line not work gives me compile-tim