C# - OxyPlot how to add plot to windows form -

C# - OxyPlot how to add plot to windows form -

trying out oxyplot, installed , referenced packages. copying , pasting illustration here http://oxyplot.org/documentation/hello-windows-forms doesn't recognize plot1 lastly line. guessing because command isn't added form. how add together it. don't see in toolbox, , tried adding command toolbox , can't find anywhere. thanks.

you may add together plot command manually appending these lines in form designer under initialize component method.

private void initializecomponent() { this.plot1 = new oxyplot.windowsforms.plotview(); this.suspendlayout(); // // plot1 // this.plot1.dock = system.windows.forms.dockstyle.bottom; this.plot1.location = new system.drawing.point(0, 0); this.plot1.name = "plot1"; this.plot1.pancursor = system.windows.forms.cursors.hand; this.plot1.size = new system.drawing.size(500,500); this.plot1.tabindex = 0; this.plot1.text = "plot1"; this.plot1.zoomhorizontalcursor = system.windows.forms.cursors.sizewe; this.plot1.zoomrectanglecursor = system.windows.forms.cursors.sizenwse; this.plot1.zoomverticalcursor = system.windows.forms.cursors.sizens; this.controls.add(this.plot1); // // other comtrols // } private oxyplot.windowsforms.plotview plot1;

c# oxyplot


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