html - Create web proxy through openvpn -

html - Create web proxy through openvpn -

i have vpn server installed , i'm connecting pc vpn client visit particular website allows traffic particular location. here schema now:

[pc] ===> [vpn server] ===> [website]

what want want create simple html page few iframes , want each iframe pointed different website through different vpn server. here schema of wish do:

[pc] ===> [my website] ===> [iframe tag] ====> [vpn server 1] ====> [target website] [pc] ===> [my website] ===> [iframe tag] ====> [vpn server 2] ====> [target website] [pc] ===> [my website] ===> [iframe tag] ====> [vpn server n] ====> [target website]

i have created simple nginx proxy listening on port 5001 , passing traffic traget website a. port 5002 passes traffic target website b

but simple nginx proxy, need proxy pass traffic different websites through different vpn servers. let's say, when reffering port 5001, nginx refer ip, , ip comunicate website , homecoming traffic nginx:

[pc] => [mywebsite] => [iframe] => [nginx] => [openvpn-server 1] => [target website a] [pc] => [mywebsite] => [iframe] => [nginx] => [openvpn-server 2] => [target website b]

i'm lost in schemas , have no thought do, give suggestion on how kind of solution should organized? give thanks in advance!

html iframe nginx proxy vpn


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