
Showing posts from July, 2015

c++ - Any problems with having Code::Blocks and MS Visual Studio on same machine -

c++ - Any problems with having Code::Blocks and MS Visual Studio on same machine - i have installed code::blocks on (windows) machine. working fine. however there open source libraries use. have build library on machine. source code available in form of ms visual studio solution file. i've tried utilize 'import project' feature of code::blocks got errors that. thinking of installing ms visual studio express edition see if can build library using it. want maintain install of code::blocks. i wanted inquire if there problems having these 2 ides (code::blocks & ms visual studio express edition) on same machine? know utilize different default compilers. c++ visual-studio static-libraries codeblocks

unit testing - combine python coverage files? -

unit testing - combine python coverage files? - i'm wondering if it's possible combine coverage.xml files 1 file see global study in html output. i've got unit/functional tests running 1 command , integration tests sec command. means coverage unit/functional tests overridden unit tests . that great if had solution problem, combining files 1 file. you can't combine .xml files, can combine raw info files. workflow this: $ coverage_file=.coverage_func coverage run $ coverage_file=.coverage_inte coverage run $ coverage combine $ coverage xml python unit-testing code-coverage

Programming Rock, Paper, Scissors choice combinations - Javascript -

Programming Rock, Paper, Scissors choice combinations - Javascript - forgive me if topic on has been created, i've looked , can't seem find it. i trying figure out how output of every single possible combination of stone paper scissors choices there based on x amount games. the equation how many possible results there simple - x^y = results. (x yth power--where x equals number of games , y equals number of choices--equals number of possible combinations.) so lets 1 person plays 3 games of rock, paper, scissors. that's 3^3 = 27 . if rock = 1 , scissors = 2 , , paper = 3 , ( listed them in order can go left right on beats which) results be: 111, 112, 113, 121, 122, 123 ... , on... but question is, how output? 3^3, outer loop, 1 inner loop, 1 inner loop one. need dynamic, can pass in x number of games, , y number of choices, , have homecoming array of possible combinations of choices there are. i'm thinking can have 1 loop every column (where columns e

python - How do i move all the numbers to allign with the columns -

python - How do i move all the numbers to allign with the columns - canoeing = 3.5068 hiking = 6 roller_blading = 7.5068 tae_kwon_do = 10.3014 tai_chi = 3 body_mass = float(input("enter body mass: ")) canoeing = 0 hiking = 0 roller_blading = 0 tae_kwon_do = 0 tai_chi = 0 print(" canoeing hiking rollerblading tae kwon tai chi ") print("15") print("30") print("45") print("60") print("75") print("90") x in range(15,95,15): canoeing = canoeing+body_mass+(x/60) + canoeing hiking = hiking+body_mass+(x/60) + hiking roller_blading = roller_blading+body_mass+(x/60) + roller_blading tae_kwon_do = tae_kwon_do+body_mass+(x/60) + tae_kwon_do tai_chi = tai_chi+body_mass+(x/60) + tai_chi print("{0:>31.2f}".format(canoeing)) print("{0:>36.2f}".format(hiking)) print("{0:>51.2f}".

jQuery Won't Work in Adobe Brackets -

jQuery Won't Work in Adobe Brackets - i know has been asked before, after looking while, haven't been able find way add together jquery brackets. copied , pasted code website editor , many errors,even though website works similar to. live preview doesn't work jquery, else works. anything helps! if you're developing locally can still load jquery google cdn, may need add together http link: <script src=""></script> jquery adobe-brackets

Ruby Compare 2 hashes -

Ruby Compare 2 hashes - is there way compare 2 hashes if keys not in same order? instance hash1 = { "it"=> 10,"was"=>11,"the"=>14,"best"=>1,"of"=>12,"times"=>2, "worst"=>1,"age"=>2,"wisdom"=>1,"foolishness"=>1,"epoch"=>2, "belief"=>1,"incredulity"=>1,"season"=>2,"light"=>1,"darkness"=>1, "spring"=>1,"hope"=>1,"winter"=>1,"despair"=>1,"we"=>4,"had"=>2, "everything"=>1,"before"=>2,"us"=>2,"nothing"=>1,"were"=>2,"all"=>2, "going"=>2,"direct"=>2,"to"=>1,"heaven"=>1,"other"=>1, "way"=>1,&q

Whenever I start vim it thinks I have pressed 'd'. How do I stop this behavior? -

Whenever I start vim it thinks I have pressed 'd'. How do I stop this behavior? - whenever open vim, first key press deletes things. thinks 'd' has been pressed, if type 'j' deletes first 2 lines , if press 'g' it'll delete everything. checked .vimrc , selectively commenting-out sections appears line: nnoremap <c-[> gt ...but don't see how cause it...? <c-[> (or ^[ ) same <esc> , of import key. in terminal, sending of input keys , command of screen based on ("ansi escape sequences"). (this less issue in gvim, has own implementations that.) therefore, that key must not mapped! take different one. (also not part of mapping (e.g. <esc>x ), because cause delays while vim waiting other keys.) due way keyboard input handled internally, vim cannot distinguish between <c-[> , <esc> . also, key combinations, ctrl + non-alphabetic cannot mapped, , ctrl + letter vs. ctrl + shift + letter

how to get jquery mobile + Isotope.js to work together -

how to get jquery mobile + Isotope.js to work together - does have examples/suggestions making jquery mobile play nicely isotope.js? many thanks, r jquery-mobile jquery-isotope

redis - Why is the nxxx parameter of set() in Jedis exclusive? -

redis - Why is the nxxx parameter of set() in Jedis exclusive? - in jedis, want set key , value expiring time single invocation. i can combination of set() , expire() needs 2 invocations. i found next method: set(final string key, final string value, final string nxxx, final string expx, final long time) but have take nx (only set key if not exist.) or xx (only set key if exist.). i want cover both cases. any suggestion? or reason written this? redis has setex command, sets key expiry. jedis.setex(key, expireafter, value); redis jedis

sql server - BIDS Package runs in BIDS but not at command line -

sql server - BIDS Package runs in BIDS but not at command line - i made dtsx bundle moves info 1 database another. when run in bids runs fine. when run command line me runs fine. when run @ command line service business relationship created it, error source db's local sql server user\password incorrect. can't true, since username , password source db's local user embedded in project. i tried giving domain/service business relationship db admin permissions, total server admin permissions. didn't anything. tried giving local business relationship ld_transfer001 more permissions, didn't anything. way i've been able work running domain admin business relationship @ command line. have verified folder packages live has right permissions. running domain/service: sql log: login failed user 'ld_transfer001'. reason: password did not match login provided. [client: <local machine>] command line error message: microsoft (r) sql ser

sql - MS Access : Filling column values conditionally -

sql - MS Access : Filling column values conditionally - i have read few q&a's here filling in condition-based values in access using switch , iff statement. relatively new access, little help much appreciated. i have 2 tables, owner , pet . table owner has next fields: ownerid , ownername , pettype , petcommonname , ownsagarden table pet has next fields: species , commonname , needsagarden table pet maps scientific names of pet animals generic, commonly known ones. table owner has values ownerid, ownername, petcommonname , ownsagarden existing in table. column pettype needs updated based on status table pet. i want like: if pet.commonname = 'dog' , pet.needsagarden = 'yes', owner.pettype = 'outgoing dog', else if pet.commonname = 'dog' , pet.needsagarden = 'no', owner.pettype = 'indoor dog', else if pet.commonname = owner.petcommonname, owner.pettype = corresponding vale pet.species. i have

java - How do I add a Github library to my Android Project as a JAR in Eclipse? -

java - How do I add a Github library to my Android Project as a JAR in Eclipse? - i'm trying add together project. looking @ it, notice has files in res , depends on own file. when create jar go on errors because dependencies aren't there. i'm not sure how work. i maintain getting errors import cannot resolved , else too. tried referencing different answers on stackoverflow none of them yielded working solution. the resources won't packaged jar file. google working on new packaging scheme called aar supported android studio. in order utilize third-party library in own project, should clone local repo. can import straight eclipse workspace , add together eclipse project classpath of app's project. java android eclipse jar

javascript - PHP - Pagination: $_POST or $_GET -

javascript - PHP - Pagination: $_POST or $_GET - i'm developing search system(multiple filters) uses pagination php. @ first using method post main form. but, using post unable maintain pagination. reason: when user search name, example, clicks in next pages query lost , homecoming first page. prepare utilize method instead. using get, url gets parameters. , users don't want that. example: i want i tried workaround: if(typeof window.history.pushstate == 'function') { window.history.pushstate({}, "hide", ""); } but when nail "previous page/back" in browser, url parameters come either. is there solution this? utilize or post pagination , parameters not shows in url? you can paginate $_post $_get , without session variables/cookies, need pass pagination variables hidden values in html fo

javascript - Can I create a folder in www directory via phonegap/cordova in IOS? -

javascript - Can I create a folder in www directory via phonegap/cordova in IOS? - i want download static webpage files(including .html/.css/.js/.png...) server cordova based app, users can browse them in webview. need create folders in www/ directory, how can accomplish it? yes, can. can utilize window.requestfilesystem obtain reference local filesystem (which application info folder). here documentation page: example functions be: directory.getfile filewriter.write(...) you can create directories in there well. example: filesystem.getdirectory(dirname, {create:true}) etc. etc. ;) javascript ios html5 file cordova

datetime - Simple Age Calculator base on date of birth in C# -

datetime - Simple Age Calculator base on date of birth in C# - this question has reply here: how calculate someone's age in c#? 54 answers i have created simple age calculator. want remove decimal places problem when substract now bday . example : input 2012 , 10 , 23 , date 2014-10-22 , when 2014.1022 - 2012.1023 result 1.9999... want remove decimal places , remain whole number 1 , time utilize string.format("{0:00}" rounds off result 02 even when utilize converttoint32 , don't want utilize split string needs lot of code. any ideas? static void main(string[] args) { string year, month, day = string.empty; console.writeline("enter birthdate:"); console.writeline("year :"); year = console.readline(); console.writeline("month :");

c# - WPF Binding to behave OneWayToSource and OneTime -

c# - WPF Binding to behave OneWayToSource and OneTime - is possible command binding behave onewaytosource , onetime ? here background: have info grid. each row has text cells , checkbox . if checkbox selected info row saved. now, when user starts typing in text cell alter ischecked property in viewmodel checkbox gets checked. happen once. so, example, if user starts typing , decides uncheck checkbox don't want alter when user start typing value again. sounds me setting binding both onewaytosource , onetime should solution know binding mode can set single value. i've been searching suggestions , possible workarounds accomplish similar result no result. from msdn: onetime updates target property when application starts or when datacontext undergoes change that means using combination of onewaytosource , onetime not solve issue 'one time'-update not trigger moment property changes first time on application start or datacontext cha

java - "Could not find or load main class" using command line -

java - "Could not find or load main class" using command line - i trying run netbeanz project command line , works when run netbean ide i have read this , this , sun java tutorial still unable solve problem. my main file : located in next folder in command line , alter directory above , run javac *.java works expected the problem arises when effort java hill ( name of main class file ) contents of directory hill package hill; import java.util.random; import*; import java.util.*; import java.math.*; public class hill { public static void printmenu() { printline(); system.out.println("welcome hill cipher"); system.out.println("1) key generation"); system.out.println("2) encrypt"); system.out.println("3) decrypt"); system.out.println("4) quit"); printline(); } public static string readstring(string prompt) { system.out

css - how to setup bootstrap form in a modal -

css - how to setup bootstrap form in a modal - i have been trying setup angular modal bootstrap form. not understand why turning out way is. using ngekathuwa lg modal angular-ui tabs inside. there huge space between labels , input fields. have plunkr setup, reason modal not actual width of mine. buttons on mine within modal. plunkr <div class="col-md-6 column"> <!-- text input--> <div class="form-group"> <label class="col-md-4 control-label" for="jobnumber">number</label> <div class="col-md-4"> <input id="jobnumber" name="jobnumber" type="text" class="form-control input-md"> </div>! i think have few container class holding open, , if set 'job' , 'customer' on top won't responsive. if utilize xs, sm, md , lg ect.. class="col-sm-3" you can business relationship di

inheritance - Liskov substitution principle -

inheritance - Liskov substitution principle - i able general thought of lsp , violations. say, square extending rectangle having setwidth() , setheight() functions subtle violation of lsp because there requirement. greenduck extending duck class function something(grass g) must not have clause requiring grass green. for square , rectangle scenario, think right implement polygon interface , rectangle , square class implementing polygon in own ways. greenduck scenario, greenduck using composition have duck 1 of fields might idea. q1) understanding right of above 2 scenarios? q2) also, unable model scenarios lsp allow 'extends' brings me question. can delve lsp , provide specific examples extends appropriate , bonus if composition wouldn't good. edit: clarity in context of liskov, it's of import distinguish between inspection interfaces , modification interfaces. square "is-a" rectangle in sense that, rectangle, can height, , width. differe

c# 4.0 - Hide interface method in C# -

c# 4.0 - Hide interface method in C# - i have such hierarchy: public interface imodule { void method1(); void method2(); } public interface ipublic { imodule module { get; } } in stuff (feature toggle) need hide method2() time public interface , create internal. used in tests, hidden in release. possible implement such thing? you implement probably: public interface imodule { void method1(); } public interface imodule2 : imodule { void method2(); } public interface ipublic { imodule module { get; } } then create actual implementation of ipublic homecoming imodule2 implementation rather imodule in feature toggle code cast imodule imodule2. need check in method2 implementation toggle enabled. this doesn't remove public interface, makes not discoverable. can't remove though there feature can toggled. not great, consequence of feature toggle requirements think. c#-4.0 design

Query column qualifiers corresponding to particular column family and rowkey in particular Hbase table -

Query column qualifiers corresponding to particular column family and rowkey in particular Hbase table - i new hbase, might possible question doesn't create sense. want know name of column qualifiers corresponding particular column-family, rowkey, table-name, can iterate through column qualifier extract info table. possible ? if yes, how ? there improve way extract info table ? check documentation here result class can utilize 1 of next api's per requirement. getfamilymap() getmap() getnoversionmap() hope helps. hbase

tsql - Why we need to use T-SQL over SQL when creating reports from Data Warehouse? -

tsql - Why we need to use T-SQL over SQL when creating reports from Data Warehouse? - can tell me why need utilize t-sql on sql when creating reports info warehouse? sql has functions , joins see of online tutorials utilize t-sql when creating reports dw. can done sql? if t-sql must, please explain why? in terms of can t-sql sql cannot. some useful tutorial links t-sql , creating reports great too! thanks in advance~ regardless fact t-sql has more functionality plain sql, in general info warehousing have 2 main approaches: put business logic closer data. way develop lots of t-sql functions , apply many optimizations available there improve performance of etl. pros greater performance of etl , reports. cons cost of making changes code , migration cost. usual case growing dwh migration of mpp platforms. if have lots of t-sql code in mssql, you'll have rewrite it, cost pretty much money (sometimes more cost of mpp solution + hardware it) put business logic

ios - Table view with multiple cell accessory buttons should open and close popover with one tap -

ios - Table view with multiple cell accessory buttons should open and close popover with one tap - my question similar close popover , open new 1 1 tap. in case have uitableview multiple rows. each row has uitableviewcellaccessorydetaildisclosurebutton . when bluish info button pressed popover presented user. user wants select info button in row (if popover doesn't hide it). user has tap twice: one dismissing current popover one showing new popover i want can done 1 tap if bluish info button visible. linked question solution should using passthroughviews i tried utilize table views controller view should accessory view. in addition, tap on empty table view cell doesn't dismiss popover anymore. if cell info tapped 1 has dismiss popover manually in code in didselectrowatindexpath . how can accessory views of table? something this: nsmutablearray *passthroughviews = [[nsmutablearray alloc] init]; (uitableviewcell *cell in mytableview.visiblecells) {

c++ - error while loading shared libraries on arm Debian -

c++ - error while loading shared libraries on arm Debian - i compiled , ran programme making utilize of gracenote sdk on x64 arch linux using cmake/gcc no problem. now, when compile , run on arm debian next error: /src/tracker-linux: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: no such file or directory i have verified file exists , symlinked in /usr/lib, , strace seems suggest file is found (see below). else should try? ldd output: => not found => not found => not found => /usr/lib/ (0xb6f37000) => /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/ (0xb6f0e000) => /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/ (0xb6e70000) => /lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/ (0xb6e54000) => /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/libstdc+

javascript - How to append html div to a table in response to jQuery getJSON -

javascript - How to append html div to a table in response to jQuery getJSON - i'm trying following: $.getjson("script/course_session.php", data, function(data) { $.each(data, function(i, item) { var $tr = $('<tr>').append( $('<td>').text(item.start_date + " - " + item.end_date), $('<td>').text( '<div class=&quot;col-md-3 btn-buy animated fadeinright&quot;><a href=&quot;#&quot; class=&quot;btn-u btn-u-sm enroll-button&quot;><i class=&quot;fa fa-university&quot;></i> register</a></div>') ).appendto("#session-table"); }); }); the intent beingness accomplish next (i'm using bootstrap): however, how gets printed: what right way render html? you have utilize .html(...) instead of .text(). , " instead of quot; javascript jquery html css twitter-bootstrap

jquery - How to update multiple rows on kendo grid with outside button -

jquery - How to update multiple rows on kendo grid with outside button - i have kendo grid columns as: i write function close button, when user select rows check , click close button, auto update isclosed column "true" and code: $(function () { $('#btnclose').click(function () { var grid = $('#grorders').data("kendogrid"); $.each($('#grorders :checkbox:checked').closest('tr'), function () { var info = grid.dataitem($(this)); data.set("isclosed", true); }); }); }); when test, update first row checked, don't know why? please help me. the problem invoke set("isclosed", true) kendoui redraws grid next grid.dataitem not homecoming expect. instead, seek doing first each getting list of items need modified , sec each modifying them. like: $('#btnclose').click(function () { var grid = $('#grid&

php - Production mode assetic -

php - Production mode assetic - hi have troubles when going in production mode assetic ( 1st time ) when seek run command php app/console assetic:dump --env-prod --no-debug i message the source file "...." not exist. well hell yeah assetic, file not exist ! not in src/ folder , not in web/ folder either. there kind of assetic cache? i had file sent me error, happened disappear after ran assets:install not time i ran : cache:clear, cache:clear --env prod, assets:install,.. i have no thought i'm doing. thanks and solution is.. manually delete cache php symfony2 product assetic

vb6 - Getting Trojan Warning on use of FileSystemObject -

vb6 - Getting Trojan Warning on use of FileSystemObject - i wrote little programme checks if drive available among other things. when installed on computer, avira antivirus popping trojan warning. narrowed downwards problematic lines of code to: 20 set fso = createobject("scripting.filesystemobject") 30 fd = fso.driveexists("f") why getting warning that? i'm pretty sure i've used in past , have not received warnings. however, i've used in dlls in past, , exe file. there way check assigned drive other using fso? thank you. the reason warning antivirus programme thinks script virus. goes time when catching computer virus easy beingness sent vbscript in email (called yourbill.pdf.vbs) , clicking on it. vbscript utilize filesystemobject methods cause harm , general mayhem. of course... still utilize fso: dim string = "ting.filesyst" set fso = createobject("scrip"+a+"emobject")

windows - How to customize a folder's icon via Python? -

windows - How to customize a folder's icon via Python? - as this su answer notes, in order alter folder's icon, 1 has alter folder's attribute read-only or system, , have desktop.ini contain like [.shellclassinfo] iconresource=somepath.dll,0 while straightforward utilize win32api.setfileattributes(dirpath, win32con.file_attribute_readonly) , create desktop.ini scratch, i'd preserve other customizations nowadays in potentially existing desktop.ini . should utilize configparser or e.g. win32api (or maybe ctypes.win32 ) provide native means so? ok, this thread, managed working. hope help you. here base of operations desktop.ini file: [.shellclassinfo] iconresource=somepath.dll,0 [fruits] apple = bluish strawberry = pinkish [vegies] potatoe = greenish carrot = orange [randomclassinfo] foo = somepath.ddsll,0 here script use: from configparser import rawconfigparser dict = {"fruits":{"apple":"green",

android - How can I extract a portion of a camera? -

android - How can I extract a portion of a camera? - i'm using photographic camera in android tutorial in "insert frame photo" app have imageview in framelayout insert image frame, within part transparent. <linearlayout xmlns:android="" android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="match_parent" > <relativelayout android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_height="fill_parent" > <framelayout android:id="@+id/camera_container" android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_height="match_parent" android:gravity="top" android:orientation="vertical" > </framelayout> <imageview android:id="@

How to use AffineTransform and also a cordinate based system in Java? -

How to use AffineTransform and also a cordinate based system in Java? - i have been working on game in java, has rotational based motion (meaning rotate turn, , can move forwards , backwards in direction rotated towards). have working, ran problem @ end. in order utilize affinetransform, utilize g2d.drawimage([image], [name of affinetransform], null); not allow input of coordinates of place character, meaning cannot move character on screen, rotate it. how can transform player image (to rotate it), , place correctly on screen through xpos , ypos variables have set on screen? if help, here code. import; import java.awt.graphics2d; import java.awt.geom.affinetransform; import java.awt.image.bufferedimage; public class player { imageloader loader = new imageloader(); private bufferedimage player = loader.loadimage("/player.png"); private bufferedimage rotater = loader.loadimage("/player.png"); affinetransform transform

java - When left-clicking on TrayIcon JFrame disappears and appears again -

java - When left-clicking on TrayIcon JFrame disappears and appears again - i have problem tray. programme works there problem. should be: when left click on trayicon (tna) jframe should disappear. when left click 1 time again on jframe should appear. at moment: when click on trayicon jframe disappear , fast appears 1 time again , after works fine. when im first time clicking on it disappears , appears. package iremindermain; import javax.swing.swingutilities; import gui.iremindermainframe; public class ireminderstart { public static void main(string[] args) { /** * new edt * */ swingutilities.invokelater(new runnable(){ public void run(){ try{ //new jframe main new iremindermainframe(); } grab (exception e){ e.printstacktrace(); } } }); } }

ember.js - Ember Auth Custom Authenticator -

ember.js - Ember Auth Custom Authenticator - when writing custom authenticator using ember.simpleauth ember-cli, authenticate method of custom authenticator need homecoming in order found user logged in? below authenticator exists. using phalcon rest api end, seems method need nail url , authenticate user on server side, should server homecoming in order ember.simpleauth needs do? import ember "ember"; import app '../app'; import base of operations "simple-auth/authenticators/base"; export default base.extend({ tokenendpoint: 'login', restore: function(data) { console.log('ran resotre'); }, authenticate: function(credentials) { alert(credentials.identification); alert(credentials.password); }, invalidate: function() { console.log('ran invalidate'); } }); i read ember simple auth - api authenticate needs homecoming promise. within method, promise

C program always uses 1503657284 or -1863345812 as entered scanf choice -

C program always uses 1503657284 or -1863345812 as entered scanf choice - i learning c programming. in next programme have 6 choices. user makes 1 of 6 choices , programme prints information. goes on until user says quit. when execute programme choice 1503657284 programme exits fine when press 6. using eclipse on fedora. the code here. #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> int main(void) { int selection = 0; printf("welcome program\n"); while(choice != 6) { printf( "1. selection 1\n" "2. selection 2\n" "3. selection 3\n" "4. selection 4\n" "5. selection 5\n" "6. quit\n" "please come in choice: \n"); scanf("%d", &choice); printf("you made %d choice\n", &choice); switch(choice) { case &#

sql - Why is my query failing upon adding SUM function? -

sql - Why is my query failing upon adding SUM function? - the next query executes expected, giving me expected output given fields beingness queried select 1 seq, term_desc term, primary_college_desc college, level_grouping_code level_code, level_grouping_desc level_desc secopy se however, when add together function sum() on field, i'm getting next error regarding term_desc, isn't related id_count, sum() function used on. select 1 seq, term_desc term, primary_college_desc college, level_grouping_code level_code, level_grouping_desc level_desc, sum(id_count) headcount secopy se i'm getting next error: column 'student_enrollment_copy.term_desc' invalid in select list because not contained in either aggregate function or grouping clause. why fail after adding sum() function? alias name table not needed you should utilize columns in grouping clause except aggregate function select 1 seq, term_desc term, primary_coll

Java - call a variable from another class -

Java - call a variable from another class - within main method i'm trying understand how phone call variable different class. i've attempted break downwards simple solution possible can head around logic involved. i have 2 classes within bundle "var": class 1 - package var; public class source { int source1; class setsource{ int source1 = 5; } } class 2 - package var; public class var { public static void main(string[] args) { int var; var = source.setsource(); } } first time post here i've spent 4 days , spare time trying figure out, please gentle i'm dedicated extremely newbie right now. in advance, hope i've submitted correctly. okay, can sort of see thinking you've got of semantics incorrect. want define method . method takes next structure: <access modifier> <return type> <method name> (<method arguments>) so example

How to show image button arranged in two coloumns using ScrollView in android -

How to show image button arranged in two coloumns using ScrollView in android - i want create xml file arrange lot of image buttons arranged in 2 coloumns i have able create 1 colomn using linear layout in scrollview . whenever i'm trying add together linearlayout right coloumn , showing scrollview can have 1 direct kid .then how can prepare problem? here xml file : enter code here <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <scrollview xmlns:android="" android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="match_parent" android:fillviewport="true" android:scrollbars="none" > <linearlayout android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="114dp" android:orientation="vertical" > <imagebutton android:id="@+id/cap_a" android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:la