vb.net - SSRS deploy report by rs.exe set "Limit report processing.." propeties -

vb.net - SSRS deploy report by rs.exe set "Limit report processing.." propeties -

any body know how set propeties processing options -> study timeout -> limit study processing next number of seconds: study deploy rs.exe utility vb scripts parameter? have vs script deploy reports rs server, cant find name of method set needed properties. have found list of methods http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/reportservice2010.reportingservice2010_methods.aspx cant' find 1 can help me set time-out.

dim definition [byte]() = nil dim warnings warning() = nil dim rsreportspath string = "/" + rsfolder dim is_error boolean public sub main() rs.credentials = system.net.credentialcache.defaultcredentials is_error = false 'create parent folder seek rs.createfolder(rsfolder, "/", nothing) console.writeline("parent folder created: {0}", rsfolder) grab e exception console.writeline(e.message) end seek 'publishreport(reportname) pubreportsandfolders(reportpath) end sub public sub pubreportsandfolders(byval foldertoparse string) dim fileentries string() = directory.getfiles(foldertoparse) ' process list of files found in directory. dim filename string each filename in fileentries console.writeline("") console.writeline("report: '{0}' begin read file '{1}'", filename, datetime.now) publishreport(path.getfilenamewithoutextension(filename)) next if is_error = true throw new applicationexception end if end sub public sub publishreport(byval reportname string) seek ' open input file , read study definition dim stream filestream = file.openread(reportpath + "\" + reportname + ".rdl") definition = new [byte](stream.length - 1) {} stream.read(definition, 0, cint(stream.length)) stream.close() grab e ioexception console.writeline("error: '{0}'",e.message) is_error = true end seek seek ' upload study definition reporting server dim properties(0) [property] dim description new [property] description.name = "description" description.value = "some description" properties(0) = description warnings = rs.createreport(reportname, rsreportspath, true, definition, properties) if not (warnings nothing) dim warning warning each warning in warnings console.writeline("error: '{0}'",warning.message) next warning is_error = true else console.writeline("report: '{0}' published no warnings.", reportname) end if dim datasources datasource() = nil dim updateds boolean = false datasources = rs.getitemdatasources(rsreportspath + "/" + reportname) if not (datasources nothing) dim ds datasource each ds in datasources console.writeline("report: '{0}' processing datasource '{1}'.", reportname, ds.name) if typeof ds.item datasourcedefinition dim definition datasourcedefinition = ctype(ds.item, datasourcedefinition) console.writeline("report: '{0}' updating credentialretrieval property of datasource '{1}'.", reportname, ds.name) definition.credentialretrieval = credentialretrievalenum.none ds.item = definition updateds = true end if next ds if (updateds) console.writeline("report: '{0}' posting updated datasources report.", reportname, ds.name) rs.setitemdatasources(rsreportspath + "/" + reportname, datasources) console.writeline("report: '{0}' datasources' credentials updated.", reportname) else console.writeline("report: '{0}' datasources' credentials not updated.", reportname) end if else console.writeline("report: '{0}' no datasource has been found.", reportname) end if grab e exception console.writeline("error: '{0}'",e.message) is_error = true end seek end sub

i have found reply on question. need set "reporttimeout" property

dim p(0) [property] p(0) = new [property] p(0).name = "reporttimeout" p(0).value = 1111 'value in seconds rs.setproperties("catalog/reportname", p)

vb.net reporting-services


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