java - jena.query.ResultSet: hasNext() evaluates false but should contain something -

java - jena.query.ResultSet: hasNext() evaluates false but should contain something -

i seek query dbpedia 3.9 datasets on virtuoso (local, 7.0.0). query works fine on sparql endpoint, when using jena, resultset virtuoso query execution not contain nil (hasnext() false). had here , here, still have pb.

below code using. have thought of what's wrong?


import virtuoso.jena.driver.virtgraph; import virtuoso.jena.driver.virtuosoqueryexecution; import virtuoso.jena.driver.virtuosoqueryexecutionfactory; import com.hp.hpl.jena.query.querysolution; import com.hp.hpl.jena.query.resultset; import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.rdfnode; import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.resource; public static void testdbpedialex(resource dbpedia) { string query = " prefix lexvo: <> \n" + " prefix rdf: <> \n\n" + " select ?lexlabel { \n" + " <> lexvo:label ?lexlabel . \n" + " <> rdf:label ?label . \n" + " filter (?lexlabel != ?label) . } "; virtgraph graph = new virtgraph ("", "jdbc:virtuoso://localhost:1111", "dba", "dba"); virtuosoqueryexecution vqlex = virtuosoqueryexecutionfactory.create(query, graph); resultset rlex = virtuosoconnection.executevirtuosoquery(vqlex); if(rlex != null) { while (rlex.hasnext()) { querysolution result = rlex.nextsolution(); system.out.println(result.get("lexlabel")); i++; } } }

finally found solution pb, here come more details.

with next sparql query want labels of given resource (whatever), defined via properties rdfs:label , lexvo:label. first 1 applies on triples (dbpedia label dataset), sec on quads (dbpedia spotlight lexicalization dataset).

prefix rdfs: <> prefix lexvo: <> select ?lexlabel { <> lexvo:label ?lexlabel . <> rdfs:label ?label filter langmatches(lang(?label), "en") filter langmatches(lang(?lexlabel), "en") filter ( ?lexlabel != ?label ) }

on local sparql endpoint (virtuoso.ini) default graph not specified. graph iri on sparql endpoint hence empty, , query works under these conditions.

using virtuoso jena provider, virtgraph defined graph, , in case query not give result. indeed, same happens when specifying in graph iri field of sparql endpoint, error of not checking this.

finally, retrieve results via jena (i.e. using virtgraph, query should specify graph's dataset when needed:

select ?lexlabel { graph ?g {<> lexvo:label ?lexlabel . } <> rdfs:label ?label . filter (langmatches(lang(?label), "en")) filter (langmatches(lang(?lexlabel), "en")) filter (?lexlabel != ?label) . }

which gives next labels: "alonso"@en, "fernando"@en , "alo"@en.

java sparql jena virtuoso


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