java - Viewing console output when web application is running on Amazon Web Services -

java - Viewing console output when web application is running on Amazon Web Services -

i know simple question, im new amazon web services , need help can get. when run web application locally can debug inserting print statements within code see if statement executed or not (i @ console output). now, getting errors in code when upload application aws. not these errors when run application locally, need debug. there way see output of print statements when application running on amazon instance? can ssh instance local computer. possible utilize same debugging technique when code running remotely? thanks.

yes possible. see in console should automatically logged in catalina.out file. file should located under : $catalina_home/logs/. notice multiple files like: catalina.yyyy-mm-dd.log. that's because tomcat uses apache commons logging dailyrollingfileappender.

from tomcat official website:

when running tomcat on unixes, console output redirected file named catalina.out. name configurable using environment variable. (see startup scripts). whatever written system.err/out caught file. may include: uncaught exceptions printed java.lang.threadgroup.uncaughtexception(..) thread dumps, if requested them via scheme signal

when running service on windows, console output caught , redirected, file names different.

java tomcat amazon-web-services console


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