ios - Adding subview to scroll view hangs my screen -

ios - Adding subview to scroll view hangs my screen -

i have added scrollview view using xib auto layout on have placed uiswitch. if select uiswitch adding label , textfield scrollview programmatically hangs screen , not able perform action.this bug occurs in iphone5s ..its working fine iphone 4 , ipad

_hosstartdatelbl.frame=cgrectmake(_birthlbl.frame.origin.x, _birthlbl.frame.origin.y+_birthlbl.frame.size.height+15, [_hosstartdatelbl.text sizewithfont:_hosstartdatelbl.font].width, 17);//birthlbl in xib [_hosstartdatelbl sizetofit]; _hosstartdatetxt.frame=cgrectmake(_hosstartdatelbl.frame.origin.x, _hosstartdatelbl.frame.origin.y+_hosstartdatelbl.frame.size.height+5, eventstarttxt.frame.size.width,eventstarttxt.frame.size.height);//eventstarttxt in xib [self.scroll addsubview:_hosstartdatelbl]; _hosstartdatetxt.delegate=self; [self.scroll addsubview:_hosstartdatetxt]; scroll.contentsize = cgsizemake(scroll.frame.size.width, _hosstartdatetxt.frame.origin.y+_hosstartdatetxt.frame.size.height+160);



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