How can I incorporate Python scripts into web pages? -

How can I incorporate Python scripts into web pages? -

i'm interested in having python scripts in web page. i'm planning simple scripts on order of splitting strings , maybe little bit more.

as in javascript...

<html> <script> //stuff goes here </script> </html>

except want utilize python in exact same way, or @ to the lowest degree in remotely similar way. there way accomplish without framework?

if need framework in end, 1 best?

thanks in advance!

no...generally, can't include python script in <script></script> tags.

why not? python isn't 1 of scripting languages built visitors' browsers, javascript, or commonly installed plug-in java or flash. there may python plug-in somewhere, not in mutual use. asking install plug in, java or flash, view site considered hassle , security risk many.

the usual way run python web page generation server-side, not asking that, how run browser-side? reply python interpreter must written in available browser language javascript or java.

and surprise!, there python interpreter written in javascript (skulpt)! since runs python in javascript, not require plugin , visible visitors. need skulpt code , can't utilize <script> tags locate python code in visitor-editable <textarea> input according skulpt instructions.

there more well-known variant of python 1 written in java (jython applet example) visitors need have java browser plugin installed usable.



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