ios - Disable UITableViewCell selection by touch but enable by method call -

ios - Disable UITableViewCell selection by touch but enable by method call -

what best way of preventing user selecting cell within uitableview, allowing programme phone call selectrowatindexpath: on table view?

i want controls in uitableviewcell remain interactive (i.e. allow touchesbegan: called on uitableviewcell).

if [tableview setallowsselection:no], calling selectrowatindexpath: not anything.

i realized when phone call selectrowatindexpath: programmatically, delegate method willselectrowatindexpath: not called. however, if user taps cell, called. method can homecoming nil prevent selection.

- (nsindexpath *)tableview:(uitableview *)tableview willselectrowatindexpath:(nsindexpath *)indexpath { homecoming nil; }

this ensure programmatic calls selectrowatindexpath: select row , taps select row not.

ios objective-c uitableview touches


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