Maximum profit array c++ multiple sell -

Maximum profit array c++ multiple sell -

given array of size n represents prices of object on n days . each day have either purchase single object or can sell amount of objects have earn money.assume can purchase object. , can sell if have objects. maximize total turn a profit have take particular day selling , buying.

for illustration ..n=10 arr={5,0,9,2,9,0,2,7,4,7}, lets total no of objects have n=0; , total turn a profit p= 0 on day 1 don't have object in case have purchase 1 .. n=1 , p=-5 , on day 2 can purchase sec 1 no amount spend n=2 , p=-5 on day 3 can sell both objects , earn money n=0 , p=13 can proceed farther , maximum turn a profit earned 35

please help me question. have seen problems have take days sell , purchase ..but seem help me because here have either purchase or sell each day ..please give me thought how proceed

if maintain average of price, purchase when below average, , sell when above average.

you have maintain total of each day's price, 5 day 1 , two, 14 day 3 , on.

then split number of days passed far, 14/3 = 4.66

if day greater average , have objects, sell. otherwise, buy.

hope helps!

c++ arrays algorithm max


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