swift - Share Extension: Grab thumbnail in custom view controller like SLComposeServiceViewController -

swift - Share Extension: Grab thumbnail in custom view controller like SLComposeServiceViewController -

i'm trying grab thumbnail image website can paste on custom uiviewcontroller share extension. know slcomposeserviceviewcontroller free, have create customized view controller. there way existing apis?


try code, thumbnail file url:

nsurl *path = self.url; nsdictionary *options = [nsdictionary dictionarywithobject:[nsnumber numberwithbool:no] forkey:(nsstring *)kqlthumbnailoptioniconmodekey]; cgimageref ref = qlthumbnailimagecreate(kcfallocatordefault, (__bridge cfurlref)path, cgsizemake(600, 800 /* or whatever size want */), (__bridge cfdictionaryref)options); nsimage *thunbnail = [[nsimage alloc]initwithcgimage:ref size:nszerosize];

swift ios8-share-extension


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