sap - BAPI_TRANSACTION_COMMIT with WAIT = 'X' within a BADi -

sap - BAPI_TRANSACTION_COMMIT with WAIT = 'X' within a BADi -

what effect of using 'bapi_transaction_commit' 'wait' parameter when equals 'x' within badi? should expect sap commit info when luw commits?

i'm aware within 'bapi_transaction_commit' happens 'commit work' or 'commit work , wait' if specify parameter 'wait' = 'x'.

i'm aware it's not right create 'commit work' within badi, if utilize 'commit work , wait' via bapi?

the sap documentation regarding commit says:

this executes high-priority (vb1) update function modules in order of registration , in mutual database luw. if not specify add-on , wait, programme not wait until update work process has executed (asynchronous updating), instead resumed after commit work. however, if add-on , wait specified, programme processing after commit work not go on until update work process has executed high-priority update function modules (synchronous updating).

when high-priority update function modules completed successfully, statement executes low-priority (vb2) update function modules in order of registration in mutual database luw.

my confusion arises because have badi implementation there's phone call mentioned function parameter 'wait' = 'x' , have found sap notes prohibits utilize of 'commit work' within badi, says 'commit work' , not 'commit work , wait'.

so think implementation right because info commited when luw finishes ... or not. comments?

actually luw finishes when phone call commit work or commit work , wait. difference commit work asynchronous , commit work , wait synchronous.

the bapi_transaction_commit wait parameter set equal commit work , wait. without parameter set equal commit work.

and true. must not commit in badi. if there rollback after badi has executed? leave info in totally inconsistent state.

sap abap


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