IBM Tealeaf and Worklight Android App -

IBM Tealeaf and Worklight Android App -

i trying integrate tealeaf in worklight-based android app.

first step took follow tealeaf back upwards team's steps integrating , files provided (uicandroid.jar). not exclusively familiar worklight walked me through native app way. worked fine , able homecoming expected results logcat when running app on device. issue every time new android build, have follow these steps again.

i suspecting issue build path, have added build path jar file. have tried many different directories including (apps/libs, apps/lib, apps/android/native/libs, apps/android/libs) , file never carries on after android build leaving 'red lines' in native/src//.java file have added....

import; // redlined ''

... , changed function to:

@override public void oncreate(bundle savedinstancestate){ tealeaf tealeaf = new tealeaf(getapplication()); // redlined 'tealeaf' on both tealeaf.enable(); // redlined 'tealeaf' super.oncreate(savedinstancestate); }

the reddish lines go away after manually adding native/libs/uicandroid.jar after build.

other things have tried. disregarding download of sdk , adding manually, add together via application-descriptor.xml 'optional features/analytics', update file point tealeaf server , have no filters include (type1,2,4,5,6) build. tealeaf works, doesn't show info im looking in logcat. shows type 1 data, no ui info need. have follow ibm documentation worklight 5.6, 6.1 doesn't have useful instructions.

i have installed wl 6.2 , added tealeaf analytics , still no ui data.

any thoughts or direction great.

basically way works before build, include generated js file, update /.java file , after build, add together downloaded , uicandroid.jar file. need happen before build goes in branch/repo other developers doing different stuff.

things changed between worklight 6.1 , 6.2 regard tealeaf , optional feature. on 6.1 tealeaf library , properties file removed during rebuild. on 6.2, not case if added own versions of files project.

another difference between 6.1 , 6.2 default behavior specified in in 6.1 filtering enabled, interval sending disabled, , manual sending enabled, means events sent when tealeaf told send explicitly. in 6.2, properties file match typical version 9 tealeaf sdk properties file means filtering disabled, intervals sending enabled , manual sending disabled.

i think using worklight 6.2 should address building issues seeing (either because can utilize included version of tealeaf files, or because ones add together aren't removed during rebuild). missing ui events, not sure; perhaps else can comment on that.

android worklight


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