c++ - Undefined references linking sqlite3pp -

c++ - Undefined references linking sqlite3pp -

i'm trying compile sqlite3pp. source http://code.google.com/p/sqlite3pp

1) g++ ../src/*.cpp -c -> produces 3 .o file sqlite3pp.o, sqlite3ppext.o , testaggregate.o

2) ar crf libsqlite3pp.a *.o -> generate new file called libsqlite3pp.a

3) g++ -shared *.o -o sqlite3pp.dll -> multiple undefined reference sqlite3_*

4) g++ -shared *.o -lsqlite3pp -o sqlite3pp.dll -> same errors previous

5) g++ -shared *.o -lsqlite3 -o sqlite.dll -> undefined reference sqlite3_open_v2

why lastly error occur?

c++ sqlite


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