NetLogo.Trying to make turtle on a specific patch color die -

NetLogo.Trying to make turtle on a specific patch color die -

so i've made breeds player , zombie:

breed [zombies zombie] breed [players player]

i kill zombie if walks unto black patch (pit).

to go inquire zombies [ ;set heading (heading + 45 - (random 90)) allow closest-player min-one-of players[distance myself] set heading towards closest-player forwards 1 ;if xcor = pcolor black [death] have lot larn netlogo syntax ;if ycor = pcolor black [death] these lines give thought of i'm trying do. ] end death ;; turtle procedure set shape "skull" set color white set heading 0 end

as described in variables section of programming guide:

a turtle can read , set patch variables of patch standing on.

in case, means zombies can straight check pcolor of patch they're on:

if pcolor = black [ death ]

this equivalent of more verbose form using patch-here:

if [ pcolor ] of patch-here = black [ death ]

you don't need utilize coordinates identify patch. netlogo has plenty of reporters can help getting patch want. example: patch-ahead, patch-at, patch-at-heading-and-distance, patch-here, patch-left-and-ahead , patch-right-and-ahead.

but in cases need find patch using coordinates, there patch:

if [ pcolor ] of patch xcor ycor = black [ death ]

but of unnecessary in case. stick simple if pcolor = black [ death ].



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