autohotkey - Substitute AltTab in one key -

autohotkey - Substitute AltTab in one key -

is possible substitute alttab 1 key press ? tried 1 doesn't work


i utilize this, may need alter sleep delay.

`:: send {alt down}{tab} sleep 100 send {alt up} homecoming

i running windows 8.1 64-bit , autohotkey v1.1.16.05. , c:\program files\autohotkey\autohotkeyu64.exe digitally signed running script described here ( windows allows simulate alt+tab. digital sign required if using windows vista , onwards.

download zip file , extract it. run enableuiaccess.ahk:

it inquire autohotkey executable sign. pick 1 need (autohotkeya32.exe, autohotkeyu32.exe, autohotkeyu64.exe or autohotkey.exe). then inquire save new executable. can take overwrite original file or save executable. finally inquire create "run script ui access" context menu item. if take 'yes', can right-click .ahk file , take "run script ui access", utilize digitally signed executable run .ahk file. if take overwrite original file in step 2, not necessary create context menu item.



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