maven - Is there anyway to specify project-specific coding style that will get loaded in IntelliJ from a pom.xml? -

maven - Is there anyway to specify project-specific coding style that will get loaded in IntelliJ from a pom.xml? -

if have maven project, , going load project opening pom.xml file in intellij, there can set in file or elsewhere in project load project-specific coding styles ide?

not importing pom only. can add together intellij files source code management tool. thought saves project specific code styles /.idea/codestylesettings.xml - may picks after imported project via maven/pom.xml. think not wound add together few other files too. here .gitignore intellij 13.1.5:

target/ # intellij settings files: .idea/artifacts/ .idea/dictionaries/ .idea/copyright/ .idea/inspectionprofiles .idea/libraries/ .idea/scopes/ .idea/compiler.xml .idea/uidesigner.xml .idea/vcs.xml .idea/rebel_project.xml .idea/datasources.ids .idea/workspace.xml

everything else under version control. (some developers dont - know - wanted mention it)

maven intellij-idea coding-style pom.xml


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