ember.js - How to update an existing record when creating a record with ember-data -

ember.js - How to update an existing record when creating a record with ember-data -

when seek create model instance

record = this.store.createrecord('model', { /* whatever */ }); record.save();

and api updates existing backend record instead of creating new one. api returns http 200 [ok] (could 202 [accepted]) instead of 201 [created]. ember way have record not created in store if instance of same record there?

right if "create" record turns out update existing record x times, end having same record (with same id) repeated x times in ember-data store.

when utilize createrecord, you're telling ember add together new record store.

you need fetch record store first, if want update it:

this.store.find('model', id).then(function(record) { record.set('property', 'value'); record.save(); });


maybe you're looking this.store.update( ... ), depending on specific needs: http://emberjs.com/api/data/classes/ds.store.html#method_update

ember.js persistence ember-data


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