MySQL Stored Procedure with Prepared Statement does not work -

MySQL Stored Procedure with Prepared Statement does not work -

i have next stored procedure:

create procedure getlastvalueautomaticshelter(in fieldname varchar(30), position_number int) begin set @query = concat('select * automatic_changes where',fieldname,'is not null , p_id=?'); prepare stmt @query; set @position_number=position_number; execute stmt using @position_number; deallocate prepare stmt; end

then running it:

mysql> phone call getlastvalueautomaticshelter('current_level', 500)//

and getting next error:

error 1064 (42000): have error in sql syntax; check manual corresponds mysql server version right syntax utilize near 'not n ull , p_id=?' @ line 1

any ideas? thanks.

you need add together spaces in there:

set @query = concat('select * automatic_changes ',fieldname,' not null , p_id=?'); /* right ^ here....and ^ here*/

otherwise final query might this:

select * automatic_changes wherecolumnameis not null , p_id='whatever';

you thought :)

mysql stored-procedures prepared-statement


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