Chrome goes up when scroll down during animation? -

Chrome goes up when scroll down during animation? -

when trying 3 divs animation using wow.js don't know why in chrome while scrolling downwards , end of animation of 3 divs goes 1 time again :-(

with firefox ok , net explorer doing hang chrome special when doing animations comes right side

<div class"col-md-12"> <div class="col-md-3 s1 wow bounceinleft" > <p>my text goes here<p> </div> <div class="col-md-4 s2 wow bounceinup" > <p>my text goes here<p> </div> <div class="col-md-4 s3 wow bounceinright" > <p>my text goes here<p> </div> </div>

so please help me cause iam mad chrome :-( , , way animation fadeinright ok , not hanging :-( ??? iam doing wrong ?

thanks problem solved removing padding left , right container fluid , row within -15px right -15px left removed animation on scroll become more accurate

google-chrome scroll


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