xcode - How to add seperate iPad and iPhone images in spritebuilder- Cocos2d 3.2 -

xcode - How to add seperate iPad and iPhone images in spritebuilder- Cocos2d 3.2 -

i love spritebuilder takes retina ipad image , automatically makes scaled downwards iphone images.

i create 1 image (ipad retina), , spritebuilder makes iphone ones automatically:

but buttons/sprites, wanted create both ipad , iphone images myself. how add together custom iphone , ipad versions image can used in spritebuilder ui?

eg. utilize 1 image ipad (retina), utilize 1 iphone.

also, how add together external spritesheet spritebuilder xcode project? (adding -hd or -ipadhd suffix no longer works, chooses 1 no suffix) -i heard has 'resources-phone'?

if select image in sb can see preview image in top half of file view. below image 4 smaller buttons labelled auto, 1 each platform (phone, phonehd, tablet, tablethd).

for instance, select ipad image, drag , drop image image's phone , phonehd auto buttons. way override original image when app run on phone or phonehd device.

iphone xcode ipad cocos2d-iphone spritebuilder


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