linux - AWK or bash profile is adding unwanted color codes to stdout -

linux - AWK or bash profile is adding unwanted color codes to stdout -

hi i'm using awk produce bunch of submissions our cluster.

$ls myfiles* | awk '{for(i=1;i<101;i++){print("qsub -d `pwd` -v file="$1",num="i" -n "$1" run.qsub")}}'

produces -

qsub -d `pwd` -v file=myfiles100.txt,num=100 -n myfiles100.txt run.qsub

except variable $1 (myfiles100.txt) substituted in awk statement, highlighted in greenish syntax. don't know if due bash profile or awk, i've never seen before. problem comes when redirect stdout.

$ls myfiles* | awk '{for(i=1;i<101;i++){print("qsub -d `pwd` -v file="$1",num="i" -n "$1" run.qsub")}}' > somefile.txt

and when open somefile.txt

qsub -d `pwd` -v file=^[[0m^[[32mmyfiles100.txt^[[0m,num=100 -n ^[[0m^[[32myfiles100.txt^[[0m run.qsub

the color codes inserted well, causes confusion when execute these jobs scheduler. can remove color codes nice sed command.

sed -r "s/\x1b\[([0-9]{1,2}(;[0-9]{1,2})?)?[mgk]//g"

but there has setting i'm missing create things easier.

you're not supposed parse output of ls.

in specific case, it's much improve this:

printf '%s\n' myfiles* | awk '{for(i=1;i<101;i++){print("qsub -d `pwd` -v file="$1",num="i" -n "$1" run.qsub")}}'

here's pure bash possibility accomplish want:

for file in myfiles*; in {1..100}; printf 'qsub -d "$pwd" -v file=%q,num=%d -n %q run.qsub\n' "$file" "$i" "$file" done done > somefile.txt

where used %q print out filename, in case filename contains spaces or other funny symbols: these quoted (of course, assumes commands executed bash on cluster). used "$pwd" instead of `pwd`, you'll save subshell each time command executed.

linux bash shell awk .bash-profile


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