ios - variable in generic class cannot be represented in objective c -

ios - variable in generic class cannot be represented in objective c -

trying create generic viewcontrolelr takes model type , handle pagination, etc. getting next error. there workaround this?

variable in generic class cannot represented in objective-c

class basepaginatingviewcontroller<t: basemodel>: uiviewcontroller { @iboutlet var tableview: uitableview! }

no, there no generics in objective-c unless want utilize c++ templates discourage.

the closest can in objective-c passing 'id' , confirming whether kind of object recognize 1 of below:

if([o respondstoselector:@selector(mymethod)]) { [o mymethod]; if([o conformstoprotocol:@protocol(myprotocol)]) { [o mymethod]; if ([o iskindofclass:myclass.class]) { // something. }

but if want it... follow this:

ios generics swift


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