css - Safari shows buttons as invisible but still clickable (Bootstrap HTML) -
css - Safari shows buttons as invisible but still clickable (Bootstrap HTML) -
i clueless here, i've never seen issue before. have 2 buttons, 1 says 'quote' other says 'order'. on chrome these buttons work , amazingly responsive when window resized button want to, same goes firefox, works great.
safari on other hand totally different story, buttons there , clickable , functional, invisible. see nothing...
here's html code buttons:
<a ng-hide="shoppingcartheader" href="#" ng-click="checkout({{project.id}})" id="btn-complete-btn" class="btn btn-info">order</a> <a style="margin-right:20px;" ng-hide="shoppingcartheader" href="#" ng-click="quoterequest({{project.id}})" id="btn-quote-btn" class="btn btn-warning">quote</a>
here's css code buttons:
#btn-complete-btn { position:fixed; right:5px; bottom:5px; z-index: 99004; } #btn-quote-btn { position:fixed; right:55px; bottom:5px; z-index: 99004; }
you don't see them on safari can still click on them , work , seem have right sizes... they're invisible.
the difference between chrome , safari buttons invisible on safari can still clicked on, if window resized....
is there work around on safari???
html css twitter-bootstrap
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