json - Android Retrofit Get child object of child object -

json - Android Retrofit Get child object of child object -

i'm trying kid object data kid object of children if kid object of data.

i know sound confusing, here total json object: full json

here code:

import java.util.list; import retrofit.restadapter; import retrofit.http.get; import retrofit.http.path; public class githubclient { private static final string api_url = "http://www.reddit.com/r/pcmasterrace/"; static class info { string kind; list<children> children; } static class children { info data; } interface reddit { @get("/hot.json?limit=1") list<data> data(); } public static void main() { // create simple rest adapter points github api endpoint. restadapter restadapter = new restadapter.builder() .setendpoint(api_url) .build(); // create instance of our github api interface. reddit reddit = restadapter.create(reddit.class); // fetch , print list of contributors library. list<data> info = reddit.data(); (data kid : data) { system.out.println(child.kind); } } }

i maintain getting error: java.lang.illegalstateexception: expected begin_array begin_object @ line 1 column 2

there 2 errors design in itself.

the json returned not array object trying store in list incorrect. the array called children array of info objects not array of children.data

you can handle 1 class info no point of having children class.

static class info { string kind; string modhash; info data; list<data> children; }

next accessing these values in main

public static void main(string[] args) { // create simple rest adapter points github api endpoint. restadapter restadapter = new restadapter.builder() .setendpoint(api_url) .build(); // create instance of our github api interface. reddit reddit = restadapter.create(reddit.class); // fetch , print list of contributors library. info data = reddit.data(); (data kid : data.data.children) { system.out.println(child.kind); } }

android json retrofit


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