android - Using nutiteq to Get GoogleMap's Tiles -

android - Using nutiteq to Get GoogleMap's Tiles -

hello guys have replaced gogglemaps in application due lack of closing map , clearing heap on demand, , im using nutiteq instead, , im trying reach google map's tiles . nutiteq has explained uses parameters likes :


and request :


but google's parameters this:,y&zoom=z&size=400x400

but request needs double coordinate thing :,-70.31234&zoom=1& size=400x400

any 1 familiar nutiteq, can please explain how can create utilize double coordinates instead single integer @ request? alot

you should create own custom datasource, calculate tile center coordinates x/y/zoom (see code samples here) , create google static map request based on this.

there 2 questions still:

technical: matching of tiles can inaccurate , google logo in each tile legal: according understanding violation of google maps terms of service. lastly time when checekd allow utilize static maps in web page, not in native mobile app. if sure can utilize (or ignore legal issue), why not utilize their tiles ?

android nutiteq


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