Creating a chocolatey package using the quick start guide fails the UTF-8 test even when using a UTF-8 supported editor -

Creating a chocolatey package using the quick start guide fails the UTF-8 test even when using a UTF-8 supported editor -

when running warmup chocolatey packagename command in quick start guide generated nuspec file gets omega character replaced '???' (see below) though open in editor supporting utf-8 (e.g. sublime). can safely ignore this? do not remove test utf-8: if ??? doesn?t appear greek uppercase omega letter enclosed in quotation marks, should utilize editor supports utf-8, not one.

this issue of warmup, not parse utf-8 encoded files (without bom) correctly.

you can safely ignore long __choco_pkg_maintainer_repo__ , __choco_pkg_maintainer_name__ variables don’t contain non-ascii characters, unlikely anyway.

but of course of study needs fixed because creates confusion. opened issue it:



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