ios - How can I redirect pan gesture events to parent views? -

ios - How can I redirect pan gesture events to parent views? -

i have uiscrollview within sliding uiview. sliding uiview should able reach top of navigation bar, , if user still dragging finger, uiscrollview within should start slide upwards well. likewise, if slide uiscrollview downwards , reach top of content, sliding uiview should start slide down.

i can't behavior work way want to. using xamarin.ios library, can translate objective-c c# if can point me in right direction this.


you able custom delegate , utilize of scrollviewdidscroll: method.

in method check see if have reached bounds of uiscrollview... if have pass whatever variables need to delegate (which uiview) , uiview handle info in way want.



[self.myscrollview setscrolldelegate:self];


@protocol scrollviewdelegate : <nsobject> @optional - (void)scrollviewdidscrolltoend:(needed parameters here); @end


- (void)scrollviewdidscroll:(uiscrollview *)scrollview { if ( [has reached end of content] ) { // here want pass scrolling position delegate if (!!scrollviewdelegate && [scrollviewdelegate respondstoselector:@selector(scrollviewdidscrolltoend:)]) { [scrollviewdelegate scrollviewdidscrolltoend:(needed parameters here)]; } } }

ios xamarin


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