vb.net - ListView flickering when item is focused -

vb.net - ListView flickering when item is focused -

i have listview in vb.net 2013 working in virtualmode i'm using display active log. works fine, except when have item focused outside visible bounds of listview: in case, when add together item listview flickers scrolling focused item , immediatly previous position.

the listview doublebuffered using code:

dim pi propertyinfo = listview1.gettype.getproperty("doublebuffered", reflection.bindingflags.instance or reflection.bindingflags.nonpublic) pi.setvalue(listview1, true, nothing)

also, found out when go top of listview, brings me focused item, , doesn't go back.

if seek disable double buffered mode, white frame painted every time add together item, , not acceptable since log adds lot of items every second.

try using listview1.beginupdate() , listview1.endupdate() before , after focus change(s).

vb.net listview


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