eclipse - Import Android project not select 'copy project into workspace' error -

eclipse - Import Android project not select 'copy project into workspace' error -

i have problem importing android project eclipse in 3 scenario:

i have clone android project bitbucket , synchonized eclipse workspace successfully! project raise many error.

then remove project , using import function in android (file>import project). import project repo , check 'copy project workspace', awesome! project work perfectly.

then testing again. utilize import function , not check on 'copy project workspace', oh no, project maintain error scenario 1.

we've had issue - however, face in p4 scm.

i guess problem same, anyway - project may not detected android project.

first create new android project. now, go navigator in eclipse (window -> show view -> navigator) , open .project file - re-create it's contents , paste in (imported) project's .project file. should prepare it.

make sure create required changes (the project name alter make) after copying.

android eclipse bitbucket


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