java - Wrong origin coordinates logic for polygon -

java - Wrong origin coordinates logic for polygon -

what have in test project, seek prepare problem:

2 polygon objects

2 actors, each of actor contain 1 polygon object

1 array actors, run through in render method , utilize of shaperenderer draw polygons

1 orthographiccamera

1 stage

1 screenviewport

the logic next: create polygon 1 , polygon 2 same size , same position @ 0,0 .

than setposition(, translate 1 polygon 50 pixel on axis x , run setorigin(, , added inputlistener first polygon, when click on rotateby on sec actor sec polygon. photographic camera has y-up. on rotation sec polygon think origin point top right corner of screen , rotation around it.

here , gif of result:

and scheme how behave:

and here gif of behave if maximize window: . here can see after resize, greenish polygon rotation around point before resize top right cornern of screen.

here test project problem

could help find out problem?

thank you.

it seems misuse setorigin method. in code in

public void create () { float w =; float h =; //... p1.setvertices(getvertices(0, 0, 20, 5)); p2.setvertices(getvertices(0, 0, 20, 5)); pactor pa1 = new pactor(); pactor pa2 = new pactor(); actors.add(pa1); actors.add(pa2); //... pa1.setposition(w/2, h/2); //... pa2.setposition(pa1.getx(), pa1.gety()); //... pa2.setorigin(pa1.getx(), pa1.gety()); // <-- line //... drawviewportbox(w, h); }

origin not coordinates of polygon's center, rather offset it.

according code both polygons positioned center of screen (w/2, h/2).

then set origin of w/2, h/2 sec polygon sums it's current position , equals w , h. in other words origin set right upper corner of screen, case.

java libgdx


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