matlab - Creating a Bar Graph where each Bar is a Histogram -

matlab - Creating a Bar Graph where each Bar is a Histogram -

i'm creating line plot, y value of each point average value of vector i. x value of each point i.

i want visualise distribution of numbers in each vector, preferably on same graph.

is there way can create bar graph, each bar, i, colorbar, representing histogram of vector i. want end 20 or bars, each beingness histogram.

or if there improve way visualise numerous histograms on single plot, i'd hear it.

i solved problem using dan's solution. took histogram of each vector (with specific bin intervals), , stored them in 2d matrix (each column finish histogram). displayed image() (don't have access imshow).

i did have mess around axis labels though, image() function plotting according coordinates of 2d matrix, rather values in original vectors. fixed calls set(gca,'yticklabel/ytick'). had set ydir 'normal' rather 'reverse'. think image() flipping it.

matlab histogram bar-chart


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