ios - splitViewController showDetailViewController without animation? -

ios - splitViewController showDetailViewController without animation? -

i wondering if it's possible show detail view controller without animating in (sliding window right). i'm expecting there sort of animated boolean parameter, seems there isn't.

this have:

[self.splitviewcontroller showdetailviewcontroller:detailviewcontroller sender:self];

am missing here? or there no way this?

two options: utilize delegate load view controller instead. need implement splitviewcontroller:showdetailviewcontroller:sender: method. alternatively, (though docs seem discourage this) assign new detailviewcontroller splitviewcontroller's viewcontrollers property directly:

nsarray *vcarray = @[self.splitviewcontroller.viewcontrollers[0],detailviewcontroller]; self.splitviewcontroller.viewcontrollers = vcarray;

technically should check ensure existing viewcontrollers array has 2 elements first.

ios ipad cocoa-touch uisplitviewcontroller presentviewcontroller


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