Retrieve field groups from SharePoint CSOM -

Retrieve field groups from SharePoint CSOM -

i want retrieve existing field groups (from root) , display them in dropdown list.

i'm using code retrieve columns (and display grouping they're belonging to):

var web = clientcontext.web; fieldcollection rootfields = web.fields; clientcontext.load( rootfields, fields => fields .include(field => ); clientcontext.executequery(); foreach (field _fields in rootfields) { fieldslist.add(new selectlistitem { text = }); }

this shows few hundred groups (duplicates ofc), want narrow downwards few groups exist, , sort out duplicates. or there way this?

you can via linq:

distinct sort duplicates out of result.

var results = rootfields.tolist().select(field =>; foreach (var_group in results) { fieldslist.add(new selectlistitem { text = _group }); }

sharepoint-2013 csom


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