sugarcrm - Tasks showing up in the meetings schedule bar -

sugarcrm - Tasks showing up in the meetings schedule bar -

i wandering if can shed lite on problem me.

are sugar tasks ever meant show in scheduling bar @ bottom of editeview when scheduling meeting or call?

there seems intermittent bug in sugar ce shows tasks in scheduling bar. highlighted me when 1 of users of crm kept complaining scheduling bar showing booked e.g. violet when scheduled meeting showing double booked. looked , found had created tasks month long , that’s why scheduling bar showing booked. other shorter tasks not showing in scheduling bar @ all. me unclear whether normal behaviour or not.

i tried myself on clean install of sugar ce , same thing happening intermittently. noticed when delete task not remove scheduling bar. had go database , remove record , remove cache folder before vanish.

ever seen behaviour?

i looked code , found scheduling bar beingness created. seems done exclusively in javascript , source file jssource/src_files/modules/meetings/jsclass_scheduler.js , within sugarwidgetschedulerow.prototype.add_freebusy_nodes function seems determining if booked or not. js function getting info global_registry['freebusy_adjusted'] populated about?

in order debug need know how scheduling bar in meetings , calls pulling in data?

surly must bug?


ok 1 of colleges helped me solve problem. there bug in modules/vcals/vcal.php line 129

get_activities($user_bean->id, array("show_calls" => true), $start_date_time, $end_date_time, 'freebusy');

this param : array("show_calls" => true), should false.

get_activities($user_bean->id, false, $start_date_time, $end_date_time, 'freebusy');

you may have go vcals database table , delete db entry affected user, when user goes meetings or calls , saves meeting db cache refreshed , task no longer show on scheduling bar.



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