radius - Linking with OpenSSL fails with Heartbleed security advisory even after upgrading it -
radius - Linking with OpenSSL fails with Heartbleed security advisory even after upgrading it - while running radius server in debugging mode using command radiusd -x, got problem the error shown below: refusing start libssl version openssl 1.0.1f 6 jan 2014 (in range 1.0.1 - 1.0.1f). security advisory cve-2014-0160 (heartbleed) more info see http://heartbleed.com the installed openssl version shown below: openssl 1.0.1g 7 apr 2014 eventhough installed/updated openssl 1.0.1g, got error called heartbleed. stucked in problem ,could 1 help me out of this??? it's not picked installed version. you'll need re-run configure , recompile (if building form source). verify other versions have been removed, or pass --with-openssl-include-dir --with-openssl-lib-dir configure specify explicit paths. the debian packages 3.0.4 have patches check right debian packaged version, , alter config files ignore check. openssl radius heartbleed-bug