windows - How to customize a folder's icon via Python? -

windows - How to customize a folder's icon via Python? -

as this su answer notes, in order alter folder's icon, 1 has alter folder's attribute read-only or system, , have desktop.ini contain like

[.shellclassinfo] iconresource=somepath.dll,0

while straightforward utilize win32api.setfileattributes(dirpath, win32con.file_attribute_readonly) , create desktop.ini scratch, i'd preserve other customizations nowadays in potentially existing desktop.ini. should utilize configparser or e.g. win32api (or maybe ctypes.win32) provide native means so?

ok, this thread, managed working. hope help you.

here base of operations desktop.ini file:

[.shellclassinfo] iconresource=somepath.dll,0 [fruits] apple = bluish strawberry = pinkish [vegies] potatoe = greenish carrot = orange [randomclassinfo] foo = somepath.ddsll,0

here script use:

from configparser import rawconfigparser dict = {"fruits":{"apple":"green", "strawberry":"red"},"vegies":{"carrot":"orange"} } # config object config = rawconfigparser() # read file 'desktop.ini''c:\path\to\desktop.ini') section in dict.keys(): alternative in dict[section]: try: # read value section 'fruit', alternative 'apple' currentval = config.get( section, alternative ) print "current value of " + section + " - " + alternative + ": " + currentval # if value not right 1 if currentval != dict[section][option]: print "replacing value of " + section + " - " + alternative + ": " + dict[section][option] # set value 'llama' config.set( section, option, dict[section][option]) except: print "could not find " + section + " - " + alternative # rewrite configuration .ini file open(r'c:\path\to\desktop.ini', 'w') myconfig: config.write(myconfig)

here output desktop.ini file:

[.shellclassinfo] iconresource = somepath.dll,0 [fruits] apple = greenish strawberry = reddish [vegies] potatoe = greenish carrot = orange [randomclassinfo] foo = somepath.ddsll,0

the problem have options loosing first letter uppercase.

python windows desktop.ini


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