vb6 - Getting Trojan Warning on use of FileSystemObject -

vb6 - Getting Trojan Warning on use of FileSystemObject -

i wrote little programme checks if drive available among other things. when installed on computer, avira antivirus popping trojan warning. narrowed downwards problematic lines of code to:

20 set fso = createobject("scripting.filesystemobject") 30 fd = fso.driveexists("f")

why getting warning that? i'm pretty sure i've used in past , have not received warnings. however, i've used in dlls in past, , exe file. there way check assigned drive other using fso?

thank you.

the reason warning antivirus programme thinks script virus. goes time when catching computer virus easy beingness sent vbscript in email (called yourbill.pdf.vbs) , clicking on it. vbscript utilize filesystemobject methods cause harm , general mayhem.

of course... still utilize fso:

dim string = "ting.filesyst" set fso = createobject("scrip"+a+"emobject")



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