nao robot - Using whole body balancer while executing timeline -

nao robot - Using whole body balancer while executing timeline -

i'm trying utilize whole body balancer made aldebaran create nao dance more steadily , less dependent on surface horizont level, neglect little tilt.

i've succeeded in requesting nao go balance, enabling balance constraint gives me nothing. testing, designed ill-balanced timeline leads robot fall downwards when body balancer disabled , should maintain robot stable log it's enabled, that's aldebaran declares use-case. however, robot still falls downwards (i maintain him vertical hand) , goes balance due almotionproxy::wbgotobalance. strange, however, reaches balance in rapid move, rather in 3.0 seconds requested.

my suggestion is: whole body balancer needs resources (joints) used timeline (it uses joints). correct? can confirm or deny this?

the source utilize one:

self.proxy = alproxy("almotion") self.proxy.wbenable(true) self.proxy.wbfootstate("fixed", "lleg") self.proxy.wbfootstate("free", "rleg") self.proxy.wbenablebalanceconstraint(true, "lleg")

i utilize source within box in choregraphe 1.14 , called (it leaves logs stripped out). , gives me no exceptions, check , log them.

yes, think must remove joints timeline. test easy: disable instance ankles timeline , see results.

disabling joint easy:

open timeline click little pen beside "motion" caption on left then uncheck circles (for instance lankleroll circle): joint animation disabled. retest



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