ios - Table view with multiple cell accessory buttons should open and close popover with one tap -
ios - Table view with multiple cell accessory buttons should open and close popover with one tap -
my question similar close popover , open new 1 1 tap. in case have uitableview
multiple rows. each row has uitableviewcellaccessorydetaildisclosurebutton
. when bluish info button pressed popover presented user. user wants select info button in row (if popover doesn't hide it). user has tap twice:
i want can done 1 tap if bluish info button visible. linked question solution should using
i tried utilize table views controller view should accessory view. in addition, tap on empty table view cell doesn't dismiss popover anymore. if cell info tapped 1 has dismiss popover manually in code in didselectrowatindexpath
how can accessory views of table?
something this:
nsmutablearray *passthroughviews = [[nsmutablearray alloc] init]; (uitableviewcell *cell in mytableview.visiblecells) { [passthroughviews addobject:cell.accessoryview]; } [mypopover setpassthroughviews:passthroughviews];
note, means have add together own accessory views cells instead of using default accessories.
ios uitableview uipopovercontroller accessoryview
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